Red root - application

Such a plant, as a red root, can not be found in a normal planting. Pennies (so called a plant in the people) grow only in the Altai. Traditional medicine knows about their medicinal properties for a long time. For the treatment of various diseases, the red root is applied to this day. You can find the plant in pharmacies or, if necessary, order it on the Internet.

Advantages of red root and indications for use

The red root looks rather unpresentable, so that an inexperienced botanist with a weed can easily confuse it. But the appearance is completely compensated by a useful composition and pleasant aroma. In the root of the penny, practically all the useful substances, microelements, vitamins are collected. This is the reason for such popularity of the plant in folk medicine. Red root has a powerful anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Funds on the basis of a penny are considered almost the most effective antioxidants.

The grass red root is used in the following cases:

  1. The plant favorably affects the work of the genitourinary system (both male and female). Healing means, prepared from a penny, are prescribed for urethritis, cystitis, various inflammations. To men, the red root helps to restore sexual activity better than any other medication. Women, however, save the plant from infertility.
  2. It is proved that the kopecnik stimulates the work of the nervous system, struggles with various diseases.
  3. Apply red root and to combat various problems of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used to treat diarrhea , poisoning.
  4. The drug supports the cardiovascular system.
  5. Kopechnik is effective for colds and viral diseases. With it, you can quickly cure a cough.
  6. Sometimes the red root is used to treat cancer.
  7. This plant from pain of different origins saves better than many analgesic medicines.
  8. A penny quickly stops the blood and helps to heal the wounds. Drugs based on the red root are struggling with many diseases of the blood.

In addition, with the help of this plant, you can strengthen the immune system and support the body. After applying the red root tablets, the general well-being improves, the person feels more cheerful, feels a surge of strength and energy. Try to take a small dose of a penny after a strong physical exertion or a grueling work day - the result will surprise you for real.

Features of the application of the red root

To use a penny, the results were exceptionally positive, and its dosages should be strictly observed. Only a specialist can determine the appropriate dose. The methods of treatment with a doctor must be agreed without fail.

The most popular healing recipes on the basis of a penny look like this:

  1. Tea will benefit from red root a little. Prepare it is quite simple: in 500 ml of boiling water add a tablespoon of a dry plant. Allow the medicine to stand for half an hour. Two cups of this tea a day will be enough. If desired, honey or milk is added to the drink.
  2. Herpes will help tincture on the red root, which should be used for at least one and a half months.
  3. Mixing a penny and propolis in equal quantities, you will receive a wonderful medical balm.
  4. Strengthen the immunity can be by drawing a red root. Add a teaspoon of the product to 50 ml of water. It is advisable to take a liquid at room temperature. Take this mixture two to three times a day. The recommended duration of the treatment course is from a month to three. You can repeat the course, but not earlier than in two weeks. If necessary, you can take the hood of the penny up to four times a year.