The Day of Ivan Kupala

The day of Ivan Kupala or Ivanov is a pagan holiday of the Eastern and Western Slavs, which is celebrated in the summer. The first mention of it dates back to the 12th century, naturally, Ivan Kupala Day has ancient traditions.

The holiday is spread throughout Europe, in many countries it is not only national, but also ecclesiastical. In paganism, the holiday is associated with the solstice, it was celebrated in Russia on June 22nd. According to some versions, it was dedicated to the pagan god Kupala, on the other - to the god Jaryla - the god of the sun, especially revered among the Slavic pagans.

After the adoption of Christianity, the holiday was timed to coincide with the birthday of John the Baptist - June 24. Although, many are still confused, what is the number to celebrate the day of Ivan Kupala, tk. some peoples have a tradition to celebrate it on July 7 (according to a new style).

Feast Day of Ivan Kupala has other names - Yarilin day, Solntsekris, Dukhov day, etc. Many this day names, no less rites and traditions.

Customs and beliefs

Great is the Day of Ivan Kupala, but even more majestic and mightier is the night. The main events unfolded at night.

The main rites are associated with water, fire and grass. The most common legend associated with this holiday is the blossoming of the paportnik. Many went to look for him, it was believed that he would bring happiness and wealth. And along with the search for a miraculous flower and, accordingly, a treasure buried under a flowering fern, medicinal herbs were also collected. Collected exactly on this day, they long retained their medicinal properties.

Prepared and brooms, the so-called "Ivanovo". They enjoyed the whole year.

The main symbol of the holiday is the flower Ivan-da-Marya - a symbol of fire and water. Numerous fortune-telling and beliefs have been associated with this plant. The peasants tore flowers, laid them out in the corners of the hut. The flowers had to talk to each other, thus protecting the house from thieves. Girls and boys wove wreaths from Ivan-da-Marya, decorated with beams and let them through the water. I wove a wreath - I stopped loving my betrothed or stripped, the ray is floating for a long time and it's a long time - a happy marriage or marriage and longevity is ahead.

Water was also endowed with magical properties. Mass swimmings and dousing were accepted. On the one hand, it was believed that water on this day gives the person life force. On the other hand, bathing was not entirely safe. On this day, water and mermaids, as well as other villains were on the alert and could drag into the abyss.

Another major ritual of the night in Ivanovo is the breeding of fires. Around them danced, through them jumped. According to the legend, the higher you jump, the happier you will be. In the fires burned and clothing of the sick. Next to the bonfires, the cattle were driven away, so that there would not be pestilence and there was enough milk in abundance.

After a swim and jumping, children and young people played catch-up games, burners, arranged noisy funny games, chanted dances, sang. The peasants believed that the most important condition of this unusual night was not to sleep, as it was on the day of Ivan Kupala that all evil spirits became active, and it was necessary to drive them away with bonfires, songs and laughter.

Yes, and unless you will fall asleep on such a night, if according to one belief, you had to climb over 12 fences. In this case, the fulfillment of desire was practically guaranteed. Day and night of Ivan Kupala is a time of miracles. People tried to use it in full.

The mystical feast is still alive today. Many Slavic communities celebrate it with a grand scale. The Orthodox Church does not approve of its celebration, considering it pagan. But people like beautiful, cheerful, slightly mystical, usually mass action. Everyone wants fulfillment of desires, but what if the fern really blossoms ?!