Almond acid

Almond acid in cosmetology is used quite actively, as today it is one of the most safe for the skin types of chemical peeling. With the help of it you can solve the problem of teenage pimples and defeat the first wrinkles, but, most importantly - mandelic acid gives a strong keratolytic effect, that is, it contributes to the production of natural keratin, which positively affects the appearance of the skin and its elasticity.

What is the use of mandelic acid for the face?

Like all alpha hydroxy acids, the almond is able to dissolve the upper, horny layer of the skin. Due to this, it is better to receive nutrients and increase blood circulation. Also, the substance is able to saturate skin cells with oxygen, which has a rejuvenating effect. Since the molecule of mandelic acid is somewhat larger in size than in other acids, it penetrates more slowly into the skin. This significantly expands the use of the drug and reduces the number of possible contraindications:

  1. Almond - the only acid that can be used even during the active sun, in the summer. It is necessary to use sunscreen .
  2. Peeling with almond acid is suitable for all skin types, it can be carried out at any age.
  3. The cream with mandelic acid in the composition with daily use helps to prepare the skin for the peeling procedure and will make the penetration of the agent into the skin more even.
  4. You can buy acid at the pharmacy in a small concentration (up to 5%) and use as a tonic for the face. This will help normalize the problem skin and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Almond acid is the best peeling, but it should only be carried out in the salon. As we know, chemical peeling means exposure with a high acid percentage (30 to 50). In order to properly assess the time of the procedure and qualitatively carry out peeling from the face, it takes a lot of experience, because the skin of all is different and reacts differently to chemicals.

Typically, the peeling procedure involves prepping - rubbing the face with a tonic with a small percentage of the acid of the type that will be used. Then the peeling itself is applied, after the necessary time the skin is cleaned and a soothing moisturizing mask is carried out. Usually, for 20-30 minutes.

On the first day after peeling, the skin may become slightly red and begin to peel off, but on the second day the face will look normal, allowing you to leave the house. The maximum peeling effect is revealed after 5-6 days, while in the case of mandelic acid it is recommended to do the procedure with a course of 8-10 sessions.

Almond acid at home

At home, the mask with almond acid proved to be the most effective. Prepare it is not difficult:

  1. Take 1 tsp 5% mandelic acid, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil, mix.
  2. Apply with a brush to a cleaned face. After 5 minutes, pat yourself with a napkin.
  3. Wash with warm water without using a face wash, apply moisturizer on your face.
  4. Carry out this mask every 5 days for a month. This will return the skin tone, improve the complexion and narrow the enlarged pores.

When using mandelic acid, it is important to remember that this, even the safest of all chemical peelings, has contraindications: