Superfosphate fertilizer - instructions for use

The use of fertilizer superphosphate saves garden farmers from many problems. After all, sometimes even the most zealous gardeners have problems with plants - the leaves wither, then their shape and color change. This may indicate that there is not enough phosphorus in the soil - a necessary substance for normal growth and development of crops.

Phosphorus is needed to ensure the exchange processes in the plant, its nutrition and energy saturation. Yield directly depends on the degree of saturation of the soil with this chemical element. And superphosphate is made just on the basis of phosphorus and nitrogen. It also includes a complex of microelements and minerals. So, fertilizer is - incredibly useful and often just necessary for growing cultivated plants.

How to feed superphosphate?

In order to achieve the best results, it is important to read the instructions for the application of fertilizer superphosphate. Depending on the specific plants, you need to choose the proportions and method of fertilizer application. Usually all this is stipulated on the package.

It is also important to remember that in acid soil fertilizer does not have the same strength of action, so you need to make a discount on it. And to deactivate the soil and allow the fertilizer to act in full force, it is necessary to add wood ash or lime mixture in the amount of 500 ml of lime or 200 g of ash per square meter of soil. And only a month after this you can use superphosphate - before the land has not yet finished the process of deoxidation.

When you are ready to fertilize, you just need to fall asleep pellets in the soil. This will ensure an excellent rate of growth and development of plants that need a lot of sulfur. Among them - potatoes, turnips, flax, beets , radishes, onions.

Application of double superphosphate

The so-called double superphosphate must be introduced into the soil early in the spring, before the beginning of planting works or in the fall, as soon as the harvest is harvested. This is necessary for the fertilizer to master the soil.

Instructions for use of double superphosphate:

Norms of superphosphate application: 30-40 g of double superphosphate are applied to sprouts of greenery and vegetables per square meter, 600 grams per square meter are applied to the soil in autumn in autumn, 100 grams per square meter of soil are used for seedlings in the greenhouse, in holes 4 g of fertilizer is poured into the potato.

Why and how to dissolve superphosphate in water?

Sometimes gardeners pre-dissolve superphosphate pellets and only then bring it into the ground. This provides an accelerated process of its penetration to the roots of plants.

To dissolve it in water, you need to achieve a high reaction temperature, for this, the granules are poured with boiling water. Do not be afraid that phosphorus will lose its properties - they all persist. But the fertilizer takes an easily digestible form.

In order to prepare the mixture, you need to take a container, stir the granules in the proportion of 20 tablespoons to 3 liters of water, put them in a warm place for a day and mix them from time to time. The suspension will look like cow's milk.

The resulting solution is added to water for irrigation in a calculation of 150 ml per 10 l. For the best result, 20 ml of nitrogen fertilizer and 0.5 kg of wood ash are also poured. The fertilizer obtained is very important for spring top dressing. At the same time, useful substances enter the plants gradually, and their effect persists for several months.