Christopher Columbus statue

The central boulevard Centenario in the Panamanian city ​​of Colon is decorated with a statue of Christopher Columbus (Christopher Columbus statue). The sculpture is established between the Second and Third streets of the city and is a gift of the Queen of France Eugenia.

Long way home

Unfortunately, the name of the sculpture, which worked on the sculpture of Columbus, remained unknown. According to archival documents, a bronze statue was cast in Turin and in April 1870 was taken to the shores of Panama. A valuable cargo was accompanied by Captain Navy Farres. The journey lasted about a month.

More than half a century in search of a suitable place

The first opening of the monument took place six months after the delivery of the cargo, in mid-October 1870. However, because of the rainfall that hit the city, this event did not attract residents of the Colon. After this event, the statue of Christopher Columbus was established four times in different regions, until in December 1930 it took its current place in the heart of the city.

Sightseeing in our time

Today, tourists who come to Panamanian Colon can see the Columbus statue, mounted on a pedestal - the brainchild of architect Runaro Hidzheri. A famous seaman with his right hand embraces an Indian girl, whose eyes read anxiety and fear. But the peace and confidence of Christopher Columbus gives her hope for peace, tranquility and prosperity. The eye of the researcher is directed to the sea surface, where he first arrived in the unknown Panama . Near the monument there are benches made of marble - a favorite place for recreation of local residents and guests of the city.

How to get there?

The attraction is located in the very center of the Colon , so it is most convenient to reach it on foot. You can start moving on Second or Third Street, and in the middle between them you will find a statue of Christopher Columbus. Be sure to take a camera to capture one of Panama 's most famous landmarks .