Delivery after cesarean section

If a woman who gave birth for the first time by caesarean section, there are no absolute indications for a second operation in the second pregnancy, it is highly desirable to give birth naturally. It is much safer for a woman and a child and relieves from a complex postoperative recovery (which will take longer than the first time) and from possible complications.

Natural births after cesarean section are subject to careful monitoring of the child's condition: his pulse and heartbeat. It is also necessary to control that there is no rupture of the uterus at the site of the scar. Although this is extremely rare.

If a woman wants the second birth after a cesarean section to be natural (provided that it is possible), one should prepare for this right after the birth of the first-born. What is the preparation? It is very important to follow all recommendations for grooming. Then the scar will form a strong and full.

It is equally important to maintain the time interval between pregnancies - at least 2 years. It is not possible to resort to abortions after cesarean section, as this considerably thins the scar.

Second pregnancy after cesarean

During the second pregnancy after a cesarean, a woman needs to carefully monitor her progress. It is desirable that it passed without complications, it was planned and flowed correctly. It is important for a woman to find a specialist who would support her desire to give birth to a second child after a cesarean through a natural birth canal.

By the way, even before the onset of a repeat pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a specialist for evaluation of the scar, which is possible with hysterography and hysteroscopy. Ideal option, when the scar on the wall of the uterus is almost invisible - this indicates a complete recovery after cesarean. Surveys before planning pregnancy can determine whether a woman is allowed pregnancy and what are the chances of a natural birth.

The pregnancy itself proceeds in much the same way as in women who have not undergone surgery. During pregnancy, scheduled ultrasound is performed. After the study at week 35, it is already possible to judge with certain certainty whether natural births are possible.

As for the birth itself, their main difference is an increased level of monitoring of the condition of mother and baby. During natural delivery after cesarean section, a permanent electronic monitoring of the fetus and uterine contractions in a woman is performed.