First lure for artificial feeding

When breastfeeding is not possible, crumbs are given a mixture. Having in its composition all the necessary vitamins and microelements for a small person, it is as close as possible to breast milk. Artificial feeding has an effect on the child's nutrition, and on feeding in addition. However, many inexperienced mothers are unaware of when to start luring an artificial man.

When to introduce a lure to an artificial man?

In spite of the fact that the mixtures are adapted for babies, it is necessary to introduce lure a little earlier. This is due to the fact that the mixture can not cover all the needs of the growing organism in nutrients. Therefore, unlike infants, who are introduced to new food in half a year, the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding should occur at 4.5 - 5.5 months of life (depending on the condition of the baby itself). So say modern norms of WHO. However, in Soviet times, pediatricians recommended doing this when the baby is 3 months old. But modern research rejects such early lure, because the gastrointestinal tract and the enzyme system of crumbs are not mature enough.

How correctly to introduce the lure to an artificial man?

The rules for introducing new products into the diet of a child on artificial feeding are similar to the rules for a baby on breastfeeding:

  1. Lure should start with a small amount of product - with ½ teaspoon.
  2. First give a new product, and only then offer a mixture. Gradually, the amount of complementary foods is increased, replacing one feeding with a mixture.
  3. Do not enter two new products at the same time. Each component gives about 5-7 days, and only then you can give something new.
  4. Lure can be introduced if the child is healthy and active. In case of illness or on the eve of the forthcoming vaccination, a new product is not introduced.
  5. New food is offered in the form of puree, that is, a homogeneous, tender consistency without small pieces of food, which the baby can choke.
  6. Food is prepared immediately before feeding from fresh products in a separate bowl. The baby is given a mash of body temperature.
  7. Acquaintance with a new product is best done in the first half of the day to control the reaction of the body.
  8. Do not force the baby to eat, if he is naughty or refuses.

Supplementary feeding scheme for artificial feeding

In general, the sequence of input products looks like this:

  1. Vegetable puree.
  2. Kashi.
  3. Sour-milk products and cottage cheese.
  4. Fruits and juices.
  5. Meat and fish dishes, egg yolk.

Items 1 and 2 can be swapped. But the lure begins with cereal, as a rule, if the child is gaining weight poorly.

Vegetable puree . It is recommended to introduce the baby to vegetables that rarely cause allergies: zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli. Later in the mashed potatoes you can add a drop of sunflower or olive oil.

Kashi . A month after the introduction of vegetable purees, you can give the baby a porridge with milk or dairy-free gluten-rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Starting with 1 teaspoon, it is brought to a volume of 150-200 g per day.

Sour-milk products . Pediatricians recommend the introduction of cottage cheese from 8 months. You can regale the crumb with yogurt from 10-11 months. It is preferable to purchase children's specialized sour-milk products.

Fruits and juices . With 7 allowed fruit purees and freshly squeezed apple juice, banana, diluted with water 1: 1. They can be combined with vegetable juices (pumpkin, carrots). By 9 months you can give an apple slice without skin.

Meat and fish . At the age of 7.5-8 months, the artificial child is introduced to meat of low-fat varieties (rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal) first in the form of mashed potatoes, and then the meatballs and chicken cutlets. A child does not get a broth for a year before the year.

Low-fat fish (cod, hake, sea bass) are cooked from 8-9 months twice a week.

Chicken or quail yolk is introduced into the lure from 7 months and given to the crumb twice a week. Starting with ¼ yolk, its amount is adjusted to ½.

For convenience, parents can use a complementary table for artificial persons.