Leaflet - how to fight?

The leaflet is an ordinary butterfly measuring 2 - 2.5 cm. But its larvae annually inflict huge damage to the plantations. From it suffer trees and bushes, yields are significantly reduced. Let's find out how to deal with a leaf roller.

How to recognize a leaf roller?

Caterpillars of the leaf roll have a variety of colors from brown to olive. They eat leaves of plants, buds of flowers, and with considerable invasion even fruits. When settling on a plant, they entangle the web with a leaf and fold it into a ball of irregular shape. Such leaves are immediately visible on a tree or a bush, therefore it is necessary to inspect the garden plantations regularly. Caterpillars often change location, causing more and more harm to the garden.

Fighting a leaf roller

Fighting a leaf roll should be universal. Its larvae are able to move from one plant to another, simply slipping out of the crocks formed by them in case of danger. And how to get rid of the leafworm should know every gardener who cares about their plantations.

The fight against the leaf roll should be carried out regularly, both as a plant protection against the pest, and as a preventive measure. In order to save time, or in the neglected case, the damage caused to trees and bushes by a leaf roller is made using special insecticides designed to combat sucking pests. Begin the treatment before the flowering of plants. Applying a solution of such agents as Atom, Tod, Desant and others, choose the day when the air temperature is above +10 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the larvae will hide beneath the tree bark, and the insecticide will not reach the target. It is necessary to apply the solution in a concentration of 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Depending on the size of the plant and the degree of damage, 2 to 5 liters per tree is needed.

If the caterpillars are still there, then the simplest folk remedy for the leaf roller will be the tearing off of the affected leaves. You need to do this by preliminarily holding the sheet in order to avoid the flight of the caterpillar. She can slip away from you by going down on the web. This method is not suitable for a significant damage to the plant. Of the chemicals in this case will help solutions Aivengo, Accord, Fatrin. Such a tool from the leafworm acts on the larvae hiding in the leaf. These drugs are pyrethroids, they are applied at a temperature of no higher than 23 degrees. If the street is warmer, they just will not work. Apply them only in the case when the lesion is very large.

Folk remedies

And than to spray trees from a leaf roller, if you do not want to use toxic agents in your garden. In this case, in the spring before flowering it is necessary to spray the garden plantings with tobacco infusions, decoction of wormwood, infusion of potato or tomato tops. This treatment must be repeated after flowering plants. Known measures to fight and butterfly leaf rollers. For this purpose, banks of at least 1 liter volume are hung in the tree crowns at a height of 1.5 meters, one third filled with wandering infusions. It can be a compote of dried fruits, treacle solution, bread kvass . Traps need to be hung at night, when the butterfly's pests are most active. Those who fell in the trap of insects is caught in the morning, and the banks are removed to avoid getting useful insects. Butterfly leafworms are active only at night, in the daytime they are located on tree trunks. Therefore, during the day they can simply be collected by hand.

As a means of fighting against this pest, special belt-traps are used from the sacking. They are hung on a tree trunk in July and removed after harvesting and burned.

These simple measures to fight a leaf roller will help you not only keep the plant healthy, but also protect the crop from pests.