Yorkshire Terrier - care for the puppy

When a puppy appears in our house, small and defenseless, it completely depends on us. From the first minute of birth, it is very important to monitor his diet. After all, how will feed on the mother's milk newborn York puppies, and care for them will determine the state of their health.

Yorkshire babies grow very fast, and adding 100 grams per week is the norm. In a day the puppy should gain about 15 grams. It is important to control his weight the first week after birth. And if the kid does not get his grams, find out the reason. Watch how the puppy is applied to the chest. And if everything is in order here, perhaps you just need to strengthen his mom's diet. Experienced breeders do not recommend her to give rice porridge, and to avoid complications ten days of meat.

Yorkshire terrier puppies and care

Puppies york from one month to two are fed up to six times a day. Two to five - three or four times a day. Then up to eight months three times a day. They are given boiled cereals and boiled meat , as well as dairy products. Curd is preferably diluted with fermented milk or yogurt. It is strictly forbidden to feed puppies of Yorkies with bones, fresh bread, milk, smoked products and various pickles. New food in the diet should be introduced gradually. It is necessary to listen to the peep of puppies. After all, an unusual squeak can talk about a problem with the tummy. On the fifth day of life, little fingers are removed from the small york. If you do not have experience, it's better to invite a specialist.

How to wash a York puppy?

Young Yorkers bathe in a warm room at a water temperature of about 38 ° C with a shampoo for dogs . To keep your pet's fur in good condition, it is advisable to use balms and conditioners. Be sure to make sure that there is no water in the ears of the york. With one towel, thoroughly blot the water, and wrap it in the other. Then dry the baby's hair with a hair dryer. Until the age of two months of the puppy it is desirable to save from such stress as bathing. And then take the water procedures puppy once every ten days will be enough to make it look great.

How to shear a York puppy?

From an early age the puppy needs to cut the claws, at the tips of the ears shave off the hair and rid the hairs from the hairs. Do not forget about hygienic places. As for visiting the groom, it depends on your taste and how quickly the baby's hair grows. If in four months your pet has a long coat, you can take it to the hairdresser.

Vaccinations for York puppies begin to be done from the age of eight weeks before the beginning of the change of teeth, which begins at about 5, 5 months. Then they are vaccinated in a month and ten months later. Only by contacting a specialist, you will be able to get the correct information about vaccinations, their terms and avoid unwanted reactions during vaccination. A week before the vaccination, the puppy must be given a preparation against the worms.

Yorky intensively grows up to four months. They are characterized by uneven growth. The correct development of a York puppy depends only on your attention and your love for him.