How to dilute blood with folk remedies?

Too thick blood does not perform well enough with its functions, which is fraught with oxygen starvation of internal organs and metabolic disorders. Also, its increased viscosity leads to blood clots, which subsequently provoke heart attacks, strokes, gangrene and other dangerous diseases.

In severe cases, medications, usually based on acetylsalicylic acid, are prescribed to solve the problem. But in the early stages it is useful to know how to dilute blood with folk remedies. Natural products and phytopreparations help normalize the coagulability of the biological fluid and improve its composition.

How can dilute dense blood folk remedies on herbs?

The most effective plants for lowering the viscosity of a biological fluid are melilot and white willow (bark).

Medicinal tea, normalizing blood clotting


Preparation and use

Brew the specified parts of the water in boiling water. Cool to room temperature. Drink 2-3 times a day instead of tea.

Blood thinning folk remedy for atherosclerosis


Preparation and use

Boil the water, let it cool down a little, to 80 degrees. Pour water with phytochemical, insist 5-10 minutes. Drink remedy like tea during the day, you can sweeten with sugar or honey.

What simple folk remedies liquefy the blood?

Correction of the diet is considered to be the easiest way to reduce the coagulability of a biological fluid. Traditional medicine recommends the inclusion in the daily menu of freshly squeezed juices:

It is also very useful to make a mixture of the listed fresh, to prepare a combination of vegetable juices.

In addition, the density of blood can be reduced with the help of such products:

How to dilute the blood in the body with folk remedies for alcohol?

Therapeutic tinctures provide the fastest possible achievement of the desired results, especially on the basis of garlic.

Spirituous infusion for the dilution of blood


Preparation and use

Grind all garlic cloves, place them on the bottom of a clean glass jar, pour vodka or a mixture of alcohol and water. Insist drug in the dark for 14 days, shake the container every 3 days. Strain the remedy, dilute it with lemon juice and honey. Before going to bed, drink 1 tbsp. spoon of tincture.