Cough syrups - list

Coughing is one of the most unpleasant consequences of a cold. The pain in the throat almost always flows into the runny nose and cough. And to prevent this phenomenon in most cases is impossible. There are a lot of drugs for treating colds and their consequences. And yet, cough syrups have proved to be the most effective. It is generally believed that this medicine is designed exclusively for the youngest patients. But in reality, everything is not so. As some adults in finicky can compete with children, pharmacists and for them, several tasty and useful cough syrup medicines have been developed.

What are the good cough syrups?

Of course, the syrup is not a panacea, and it will not be able to get rid of the consequences of cold alone. But in combination with other tools allows you to achieve fairly good results. All syrups can be conditionally divided into several groups:

The latter have a complex effect. Such syrups contain special substances that can exert an anesthetic effect or relieve the swelling of the throat. They are used infrequently, because they are an additional undesirable load for the body.

What kind of cough syrup is better?

The main advantage of cough syrups is in their taste. Unlike most drugs, they are sweet and pleasant. That's why they are used to treat children. The most suitable remedy is chosen, based on the patient's state of health.

The list of the most effective cough syrups is as follows:

  1. Very often, during the treatment of dry cough, specialists resort to the help of plantain syrup . He has virtually no side effects. To notice positive changes it is possible already in three-four days after the beginning of reception of means. This drug is allowed to take and smokers.
  2. Syrup Aldey is a 100% natural product. In addition to althea, it contains propolis , ascorbic acid, anise fruits, calendula. This is a classy expectorant that simultaneously has an antibacterial effect.
  3. When dry cough helps syrup Lazolvan . It is recommended to take it only in particularly difficult cases, when more loyal methods of treatment are powerless. Reception Lazolvana allows you to strengthen the bronchi and remove inflammation from them. This syrup is not the cheapest, but the effect of its action is able to exceed any expectations.
  4. A natural syrup based on licorice root is characterized by a mild effect. It is most rational to take it in conjunction with stronger drugs. One of the main advantages is availability. In addition, the agent has virtually no side effects.
  5. Syrup Timusan helps and from wet, and from a dry cough. The composition of the drug - thyme, fennel, dog rose, echinacea. The medicine has antiseptic effect and promotes strengthening of immunity. Take it for two weeks.
  6. Broncholitin is a powerful and quick-acting remedy. Syrup not only eliminates cough symptoms, but also affects the immediate cause of its appearance. Because of possible side effects, it should be drunk only with the permission of a specialist.
  7. Gedelix syrup is considered to be universal . It is made on the basis of an extract of ivy. The remedy is very fast. Thanks to its natural composition is suitable for all categories of patients.
  8. Simple, but very effective syrup from a moist cough based on primrose . A remedy is prescribed for the first manifestations of the disease. Although the drug is considered safe, it is not recommended to take it to diabetics and people suffering from bronchial asthma.