Why is it harmful to eat at night?

Many know that it is harmful at night, but, as often happens with simple truths, very few people remember exactly why. From this article you will learn what effect late snacks give and why it is better to abstain from them.

Why is it harmful to eat at night?

At night, the body rests, metabolic processes slow down, internal organs relax. If you eat something late at night, you doom your body to work actively instead of sleeping. However, the duodenum is not included in the work, and the food in it stagnates until morning, and after awakening is actively processed.

Another significant disadvantage is that the energy you got with food can not be consumed during sleep, so the body, unable to do otherwise, starts storing it in the form of fat cells, which it usually has in problem areas on the body.

Is it harmful to eat at night? Certainly! Especially if it's fatty, carbohydrate food or sweets . In extreme cases, you can afford a small piece of boiled chicken breast or low-fat cottage cheese - i.e. protein food, which is not so harmful. But it is better to stay until the morning and have a good breakfast, and not to burden the body.

Are fruits harmful at night?

Fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates and sugars, which is far from the best option for a late snack. Carbohydrates quickly give a lot of energy, and when there is nothing to squander it, it turns into fat tissue. Fruit is better to eat until 14.00, when the metabolism is increased.

Is it harmful for the night?

Milk, especially warm, promotes a sound sleep. However, if you want to lose weight, then it is better to drink a little 1% of kefir, or even refrain from taking drinks before bed. If you are not struggling with weight, then unsweetened dairy products before going to bed are quite appropriate.