25 Pharmaceutical Discoveries That Changed Our Life

Medicines have been around for a long time, and it's unlikely anyone will be able to imagine life without them today. Every year, medicine and pharmaceuticals are being improved.

There are new medicines that open up a huge number of different possibilities. Of course, until now there are such ailments, medicines that have not been invented yet. But how many important tools already make our life easier!

1. Capsules

In fact, they are not a cure, but life is greatly simplified for physicians. Many drugs are very bitter, and sometimes patients have to take them with jam or honey. The neutral envelope of the capsule can effectively mask all the shortcomings of the medicine and make the treatment a little more pleasant.

2. Ether

Today, surgeons no longer use the aether, but at one time it helped to make a serious breakthrough in medicine.

3. Ritalin

People suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are hard to adapt in society. Ritalin helps them to control their emotions and focus.

4. "Viagra"

It is strange to see in this list "Viagra", but it is truly a wonderful drug. All because a fairly large number of men suffer from erectile dysfunction, while physical intimacy is very important for human health.

5. Morphine

On the one hand, this invention is very useful - the drug helps to cope with the severe pains of tens of thousands of people. On the other hand, some patients, addicted to opiates, become addicted and can not imagine life without Morphine.

6. "Chlorpromazine"

The drug was synthesized in 1951 and since then has helped treat serious mental illnesses - such as schizophrenia.

7. Substances for chemotherapy

Chemotherapy was invented during the Second World War, when it was found that the derivatives of bis-β-chloroethylamine can cope with lymphomas. Since then, researchers have developed combined chemotherapeutic courses, involving the use of several drugs at the same time.

8. Cortisone

It is a natural steroid hormone that is used to treat a number of diseases: arthritis, allergies, Addison's disease and many others.

9. Salvarsan

In 1910, syphilis was a common disease and was considered incurable. But Paul Ehrlich managed to find the optimal treatment scheme - using Salvarsan.

10. Sleeping pills

Sleep is very important for health and well-being. Alas, not all can normally get a good sleep. There are people who suffer from insomnia. For them to fall asleep is a real problem, and only a sleeping pill helps them to regain strength.

11. "L-Dopa"

One of the most effective drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease.

12. HIV protease inhibitors

They block protease processes and prevent the multiplication of HIV cells.

13. Birth control pills

Various contraceptives have been used for a long time. But pills are still considered one of the most effective and convenient ways to control conception.

14. "Aspirin"

An analgesic drug used to prevent heart attacks. Aspirin is also used as an anticancer agent. But in fact, its history began long before clinical studies. Even the ancient Egyptians noticed that some plants - containing salicylic acid - help with fever and headaches.

15. "Cyclosporine"

Transplantation for some people is the only way to survive. That the donor organs have got accustomed after operation, to patients prescribe this preparation. It helps a little to suppress the immune system and "cheerful" to meet changes.

16. Xanax

People with anxiety disorder, PTSD or depression often take this medication. Due to the effect on the brain centers the remedy helps the patients to be more balanced.

17. "Erythropoietin"

Shown to patients on dialysis. Sick kidneys do not produce erythropoietin. The medication helps to replenish the level of this hormone and prevents the development of anemia.

18. AZT

It is better known as Retrovir. The drug works in conjunction with protease inhibitors and helps control the reproduction of HIV cells. In addition, AZT does not allow the transmission of the virus from an infected mother to a child during pregnancy and during childbirth.

19. Lasik

It is also called Furosemide. This drug is on the list of essential drugs recognized by the World Health Organization and is used to treat patients with high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney or liver disease.

20. "Lipitor"

In people with elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, a heart attack can happen with greater probability. "Lipitor" helps to partially neutralize dangerous substances and reduce the risk of a heart attack.

21. Idoxuridine

Used to treat herpes virus. This is the first antiviral drug approved by the World Health Ministry. After his appearance, scientists and physicians began to actively develop medicines for such ailments as influenza or hepatitis.

22. "Insulin"

Before his invention, patients with type 1 diabetes had to adhere to rigid diets, and they lived with their diagnosis no longer than a month. Now "Insulin" not only helps to prolong the life of patients, but also improves its quality.

23. Digoxin

A plant-based preparation that has been used to treat heart failure and arrhythmia. Unfortunately, due to serious side effects, its use had to be stopped.

24. "Humira"

He treats such ailments as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease. It is also used to combat various dermatological diseases. The principle of "Humira" is simple - the drug blocks proteins, because of which articular tumors develop.

25. Penicillin

An antibiotic that has managed to effectively withstand dangerous infections. After the discovery of Penicillin, specialists seriously engaged in research and development of other antibacterial agents.