Preschool education

Pre-school education and upbringing play a primary role in what our children will be like. It is at this stage that the character, habits, attitude to others and to oneself is formed. The role of preschool education in the development of the baby is definitely significant, since without it boys and girls are most likely not ready for school life with all its complexities. Preschool children should be psychologically, mentally and mentally prepared for school, and also for coexistence with other people in society.

Working with children from 2 months to 7 years in our country, as a rule, implies the introduction of the child in children's team, the instilling in him of socially significant skills and teaching the basics of reading, mathematics, and reading and writing. During this period, a foundation is formed for the later life of the little man, and one must be treated with all seriousness.

Peculiarities of preschool education

Work with preschool children can be divided into the following two directions:

With the kids should work professionals. Nevertheless, a huge role is played also by the parents of each boy or girl who, by their example, shows how one should or should not behave.

The purpose of preschool education

Working with pre-school children aims to give him a basic education, teach the basics of culture, develop sensory, mind, moral and aesthetic perception of the world. According to the conception approved in the education, the overall goal is also educational work with preschool children, which implies the teacher's orientation to the trainee's personality.

The tasks of preschool education

Such tasks include:

It turns out that every teacher and parent should try to instill in the child the skills of communication, friendship and cooperation, to provide him with psychological comfort.

Organization of work with pre-school children

With children of preschool age (from 2 months to 7 years) are engaged, as a rule, in institutions of preschool education. This is a special type of educational institution that implements the relevant state educational programs. The system of such institutions includes kindergartens:

At present, development centers are very popular, in which pre-school education (classes) is implemented at the request of parents in the framework of non-standard programs. So-called technologies of developmental learning are becoming popular, the application of which allows to optimize the intellectual potential of each child. With such training, the child becomes a full-fledged subject of activity. Teachers stimulate it, direct and accelerate the development of the most important personal qualities.