
Spasmolytic drugs are drugs that reduce or eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs.

  1. Muscular tissue (actually - smooth muscle) forms the walls of lymphatic and blood vessels, the shell of hollow organs, is found in the skin, sensory organs and glands. These muscles refer to the form of involuntary musculature, which functions under the control of the autonomic nervous system.
  2. The striated muscular tissue that forms the muscles of the neck, head, limbs and trunk, refers to arbitrary muscles and is controlled by the central nervous system. These muscles allow a person to move, keep balance, talk, swallow and chew.

Spasmolytics "work" only with the first kind of muscle tissue - smooth muscles, because they are taken to reduce the tone of blood vessels and to remove spasms in the tissues of internal organs.

Types of antispasmodics

Modern antispasmodics are of two types - the classification is based on the mechanism of action of drugs.

  1. Neurotropic antispasmodics affect the process of impulse transmission in the ends of the autonomic nerves, which stimulate smooth muscles. The main representatives of spasmolytic agents of this group are M-holinoblokatory: atropine sulfate and the like substances - scopolamine, platifillin, hyoscyamine.
  2. Myotropic antispasmodics act directly on smooth muscle cells, changing the biochemical processes inside them. The list of spasmolytic agents of the myotropic group is great, but the main drugs are drugs based on drotaverine (no-sppa), papaverine, benzyclane, bendazole.

There are also preparations consisting of a combination of substances of the first and second group. Such antispasmodics are called neyromiotropic.

When to take antispasmodics?

For patients with abnormalities of the digestive tract, antispasmodics are a real wand. They are taken to relieve the pain syndrome by eliminating the spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive system and the tone of the blood vessels. Spasmolytics are also used in the treatment of diseases of cardiovascular diseases and various colic, as well as for the removal of hypertonia.

These drugs perfectly relieve pain with peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis, intestinal and renal colic. By the way, M-holinoblokatory (neurotropic antispasmodics) reduce acidity, so that they should be taken only to patients with increased secretion.

Before using the medication it is important to consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions, not forgetting that the body is controlled by the nervous system, and spasmolytics affect it exactly. Do not overdose and keep in mind a number of contraindications:

Natural antispasmodics

Among medicinal plants there are herbs-antispasmodics. They can be bought in a pharmacy and taken in the form of a decoction for diseases of the digestive tract and colic. The most accessible for today are the following plants-antispasmodics: