11 collectible values ​​of Soviet children, for which you could give anything

Many people collect things, focusing on their own interests, but here in Soviet children, such hobbies were of a massive nature. They collected both valuable and absolutely meaningless trinkets.

In Soviet times, children were able to enjoy trifles, and wealth for them was expressed not in money, but in "precious" collections. Interestingly, they collected everything from marks to finishing tiles. Of course, many collections were meaningless, but they were for many in gold.

1. Useful collection

If today, to see which day this or that date falls on, you just need to look into your gadget, then there were no such opportunities before, so everyone had calendars at hand. Not surprisingly, their popularity has become the reason for collecting. Now they can be used to, for example, look into the past.

2. Valuable album with stamps

Collections of stamps were not collected only by lazy ones. If it was not possible to get new stamps, then they were peeled off from envelopes and placed in special albums. Children were fascinated by original drawings: different ships, landscapes, planes, portraits, cities. The exchange of stamps was similar to this auction.

3. In search of a miracle collection

Think about what you can do in your spare time? Few people in the head will come up with the idea, walk the streets and look for iron covers from different drinks, and this was one of the favorite classes for children in the USSR. How could such collections be useful? It's hard to guess, but their popularity is a fact.

4. Ornaments that are in trend

Who did not have at least a dozen badges that many wore with pride or collected in collections? By the way, some modern designers use them to create original things. In the 90's there was a new wave of badges, but now they were only a round shape with different drawings, for example, photos of favorite performers and numerous funny inscriptions.

5. The sweetest collection

In most cases it was the girls who collected the wrappers from the chocolates to play with their girlfriends in the "shop". There were cases when several boxes and boxes were filled with unique wrappers. After some time, many collections were in a garbage can.

6. Money for which you can not buy anything

Soviet children collected coins, and these collections were considered the most valuable. Paid kopecks accidentally, for example, friends brought from a trip or they bought for real money. They liked collecting and deformed specimens.

7. Who knows the meaning of this collection?

It was difficult to find an apartment in the USSR, in which there would not even be a small collection of tin cans from different drinks. Who did not have the opportunity to buy them in stores, they collected on the street, and even crushed jars did not bypass the side, because there would be time and a pencil - everything can be restored.

8. Own personal vehicle fleet

In Soviet times, toys were tight, of course, when compared with modern children's supermarkets. Practically every boy who lived during the Soviet era had cars - small copies of cars of that time. Those who had the opportunity, they tried to become the owners of whole collections, which are still a real pride for many men.

9. Economical, but popular

Collections that were available to everyone - labels from matchboxes. That the most interesting thing to get a picture, it was not necessary to tear it from the box, because in Soyuzpechat you could buy a whole set of labels at once. Soviet children also collected color matches.

10. What Remains Memorized

Many people can find on their shelves deposits of Soviet postcards with warm words of congratulations from close people. In addition, some children liked even clean cards for their bright and beautiful pictures.

11. Candy wrappers were in trend

Probably, only those who did not recognize them did not collect liners from chewing gums. Collections were diverse, for example, the popular Turbo or Laser. The most legendary is the collection of candy wrappers "Love is ...". The popularity of this rubber band is so high that it is still sold in stores.