14 culinary lifegocks, which are confirmed by Einstein

Scientists have in their arsenal not one secret that can be used in cooking in order to simplify the process of cooking different dishes.

Professor of Chemistry Robert Wolke in order to popularize science, decided to show everyone how in cooking it is possible to use scientific principles for themselves. For this, he published a book entitled "What Einstein told the cook. Physics and chemistry in your kitchen. " Your attention a few interesting culinary lifhak.

1. Tasty and juicy cutlets

To make the right burger, you need to know the secret of cooking the main ingredient - cutlets. It consists in the time when it is necessary to add salt to minced meat for cutlets. You need to do this immediately before the frying, because if you do this before, the salt will destroy the structure of the protein and the chop will turn out to be tough. There is a lifhak to evenly fry a cutlet: first form a ball, then gently press it with your hand to the board. Turn the cutlet slightly pressed in the center to make a dent. Thanks to this trick of the cutlet is fried evenly and around the edges, and in the center.

2. Ideal vegetables in the microwave

Interesting advice from the book will help to cook in the microwave tasty and healthy vegetables. The author recommends cutting them into slices, putting them in a bowl and covering with three layers of paper towels. Cooking should be about 5 minutes.

3. Only a tasty and beautiful omelet

It turns out that the consistency and taste of the omelets also largely depends on when salt is added to the eggs. Culinary lifhak from Wolke - add salt to the egg mixture beforehand and hold it for 15 minutes before pouring into a frying pan. Few people do it, but it's worth a try.

4. The secret of cooking the best steak

There are among the scientific lifhaks and advice on how to make meat more mild. To do this, you must marinate it with fruits that are rich in enzymes - accelerators of chemical reaction. It is best to use pineapple, fig or papaya. Fruits will not only soften the top layer, but also add a pleasant sweetness and aroma.

5. Re-heating

Another secret concerns the warming up of the steak, because if you put it back in a frying pan or use a microwave oven, the degree of roasting will change, and the meat can turn out to be rubber. Send the meat into a vacuum bag with a clasp and lower it into hot water (temperature 60-70 °). This is enough to make the steak warmed up, but remained tasty and juicy.

6. Lush and airy fritters, like a cloud

Always wondered how you can cook lavish pancakes? Now you will learn this secret, which is simple enough. It is necessary to add proteins and yolks separately into the dough, the first ones to be thoroughly beaten up to soft peaks.

7. The secret of cooking Brussels sprouts

Little cabbage cabbage are not only attractive, but useful and tasty. But few people really know how to properly prepare it, so that the cabbage is perfect. If the Brussels sprouts over-rest on the stove, it will be bitter and unpleasant to smell. Lifshak is described in Volcke's book: cut the heads into halves and cook on each side for three minutes. Another tip - it is better to cook such cabbage with animal fat, for example, with bacon.

8. That the sauce is not "drunk"

Wine sauce is great for meat, but it needs to be properly cooked. That it does not turn out to be "drunk", you need to add alcohol at the very beginning of cooking, otherwise the wine will not have time to evaporate, as water will attract molecules of ethanol.

9. Learning to cook the right poached egg

Even experienced housewives can not cook an egg poached from the very first. Let's correct this statistics. Do not break the egg directly into the water, it is better to use a fine sieve. Smash the egg into it and wait for a while until the protein starts to drain slightly. Immediately after this, lower the screen into the boiling water and wait until the protein cools, and then turn the sieve. Believe me, the egg poached will be perfect.

10. An interesting method of using oil

Oil comes in the recipes of many dishes, and pouring it from a bottle is not always convenient and often it is not possible to control the volume. Wolke recommends the use of an oil dispenser, which can be bought in stores or use any container with a sprayer. As a result, you can easily add the necessary amount of oil to the dish.

11. Fresh vs dried herbs

To prepare different dishes used herbs, but only some are recommended to use fresh, and others - in a dry. Better its aroma and richness in dry form reveals laurel, thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary and marjoram. In fresh form parsley, basil, coriander, mint, green onions, dill, sorrel and tarragon are better.

12. Do not pour out too much

What do you do when you cook the pasta? Of course, you drain water, but it's a mistake. In fact, this liquid is ideal for making a light, uniform and thicker sauce. It will soak the paste well, and it will not stick together.

13. Hen with a mouth-watering crust

On many holidays the housewives prepare a bird, and it does not always turn out so that the crust comes out crispy. It can be corrected with the help of scientific lifhak. First, sprinkle the whole bird with salt and spices, spreading the mixture over the entire surface. After that, lift the skin with two fingers, separating it from the meat, so that during cooking, the maximum amount of fat is released. As a result, the peel will turn spicy and crispy. To meat was also delicious, while lifting the skin rub salt and spices into it.

14. The secret of cooking ideal eggs

There are problems with cleaning eggs, then the next lifhak specially for you. Put the eggs when cooking should be in hot, not cold water, because in the second case the protein will be glued from the inside to the shell and problems with cleaning can not be avoided. After cooking, immediately put the eggs in cold water, but not for long, since it is better to clean the shell when the heat remains high. Another good tip is to start cleaning the shell from the blunt end where the air pocket is.