Adenoids of 3rd degree in children

This disease can occur in children between the ages of one year and up to fifteen years. Growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil earlier often occurred in a child of four years, and today it is not uncommon for specialists to diagnose adenoids in children of the second year of life.

Adenoids in children of the 3rd degree: recognize the symptoms

When the disease passes from the second to the third stage, the child completely overlaps the opener. As a result, there is almost no air through the nose. The patient has to breathe only through the mouth and therefore constantly keep it open. On the face there is a characteristic "adenoid expression," the child begins to speak in the nose.

When adenoids of the 3rd degree are diagnosed in school-age children, almost certainly the parents in the doctor's office complain that the child's illness has noticeably started to lag behind the curriculum, lethargy and drowsiness have appeared. All this is a consequence of the insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. Viral diseases and common colds are also a constant problem.

In order to recognize the onset of the disease in time, one should look at the state of the child as a whole:

If you noticed some of these symptoms in your child, contact LOR to prevent the disease from developing.

Than to treat an adenoid of 3 degrees?

Conservative treatment of adenoids of the third degree is reduced to surgical intervention. The fact is that this disease is considered quite dangerous precisely because of the overlap of breathing. Due to the completely closed opener, specialists have to resort to adenotomy - removal of the tonsils .

Surgery for adenoids of grade 3 is performed under local or general anesthesia. It all depends on the child's age, his mental characteristics: not all children can sit quietly and watch the process. The only circumstance that is a contraindication to the removal of tonsils is poor blood clotting.

However, this traditional treatment of adenoids of the third degree will not give you a guarantee that the time will not repeat their growth. It is also worth noting that the removal of inflamed tonsils will lead to significant complications. To begin with it is necessary to cure inflammation, and only then to resort to an operative intervention. After surgical treatment of adenoids of the 3rd degree, the baby needs a bed rest for three days and a diet. From the diet completely exclude acidic, salty, spicy dishes, chocolate. Also it is necessary to refuse for a week active games.

What else can be treated with adenoids of the third degree?

The first thing you should understand is hypertrophy of adenoids of the 3rd degree - a direct indication for surgical intervention. The longer you put it off, the more difficult the postoperative period will be.

If you want to try at your own risk and cure the inflammation yourself, folk medicine has several recipes for this case. To wash the nose use celandine juice, thyme, drip sea buckthorn oil or thuje oil. You can wash your nose with tinctures of field horsetail or pericarp walnut. All this can relieve the inflammation, but the problem itself will not be solved.

For the prevention of adenoids in children of the third degree, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the baby from the very beginning, to accustom it to hardening. Carefully follow the diet and walk for a long time in the air. Always completely cure all diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.