Mackerel in onion peel for 3 minutes

In the market or in a supermarket you can easily buy smoked, salted, pickled fish . We'll tell you now how to prepare mackerel in onion husks yourself. And the taste and appearance of the fish will pleasantly surprise you!

Mackerel in onion husks without liquid smoke



Mackerel mackerels are thawed at room temperature, in no case in the microwave. With the onion, we peel the husk, wash it and put it in a pan. Fill it with hot water and salt. Bring to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes or until the broth does not acquire a dark color.

Now we prepare the fish: we cut off the head and tail from the mackerel. Rinse thoroughly the carcass in cold water. We lower the fish into a saucepan with onion husk, bring it to a boil and immediately reduce the fire. Boil the fish on low heat for 3 minutes and immediately remove it from the fire, so that the fish does not begin to fall apart. After the water and the husks cool down a little, remove the mackerel and peel off the husks from it. Everything, the fish is ready. An excellent addition to it will be boiled potatoes and a ray.

Mackerel marinated in onion peel



First we prepare the marinade. To do this, in the pan (it is better to take one that will not be a pity to spoil, since it can color from the husks), pour in water, bring it to a boil and lay onion husks. Fire we reduce and all together we weld about 10 minutes. Then turn off the broth, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Filter it, add salt, coriander, bell pepper, bay leaf, pour the tea leaves, mix and still let stand until the mixture cools. And at this time we are preparing the fish: in the mackerel, thawed in natural conditions, we cut off the head, we remove the insides and gills. We clean the black film and thoroughly wash the abdomen. In a deep bowl or a flat vessel lay the carcass and fill it with a cooled marinade. Cover the container with a lid and put it in the cool place of the day for 2. The fish should be constantly turned over so that it is salty and evenly salted. After the specified time, the carcasses from the brine are removed and spread on napkins. We leave in this form on the table for a couple of hours, turning the fish from time to time. This is to ensure that the remainder of the marinade is absorbed. Then grease the carcass with vegetable oil and cut into pieces.

Preparation of mackerel in onion husks



Pre-defrost the mackerel. Onion husks are thoroughly washed, and then placed in a saucepan and poured with water. We put the mass on the fire and boil for 20 minutes after boiling. After that, turn off the fire. When the broth cools down, filter it, add sugar, salt, liquid smoke and mix thoroughly. Then we cut the carcasses, removing the fins and head. Inside we clean and remove the black film. Rinse the fish in cold water. Marinate fish can be in any bowl, but it is most convenient to do it in 1.5 or 2-liter plastic bottles. It is only necessary to cut off the upper part in them and lower the fish with their tails down. Top with a marinade. We leave the carcasses at room temperature to marinate for 2 days. Then we remove the fish and hang them by the tail to make the fish dry out a little. After that, we grease the carcass with sunflower oil, so that they acquire a characteristic luster. That's all, incredibly tasty mackerel is ready. Hardly anyone can distinguish it from smoked shop!