Periodontal abscess

Periodontal abscess is a purulent inflammation of the gum. It looks like a round formation filled with pus. Its size can be only a few millimeters, and can reach 5 centimeters.

The causes of the periodontal abscess

In the oral cavity, the periodontal abscess develops because of an infection that has fallen into the periodontal pocket or gum tissue. It occurs with gingivitis , periodontitis and periodontitis . It can also appear due to various mechanical, chemical and thermal injuries of the gum or as a result of poor-quality prosthetics and tooth-filling.

Symptoms of periodontal abscess

At a parodontal abscess at first there is a small discomfort in the field of a gum. A few days after pressing the gum or chewing food, the patient feels a slight pain. Gradually, painful sensations intensify. Through days 5 in the field of an inflammation the reddened spherical swelling forms. It rapidly increases in volume and can be accompanied by pain that is given to the cheek, jaw and ear.

Also can be observed:

Treatment of periodontal abscess

If you have a periodontal abscess, do not start treatment at home! This will lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition and cause complications or bleeding.

Dental treatment of periodontal abscess is a surgical opening of inflammation and excretion of pus. After that, the cavity is cleaned with antiseptic solution, which allows removing all dead tissue. If the size of the purulent formation is very large, drainage is required. It is a small tube that facilitates the rapid outflow of contents from the pocket.

After surgical treatment of periodontal abscess, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs and various immunostimulating drugs. For early wound healing, physiotherapy or laser procedures, as well as iontophoresis, are performed.

To avoid complications, dentists recommend after surgery:

  1. Abstain from smoking, excessive consumption of food and alcohol intake.
  2. Do not take sleeping pills and potent painkillers.
  3. In case of increased pain, increased body temperature, redness around the incision or pus, seek medical help immediately.