The cat, which has only two legs, jumps like a kangaroo!

This kitten has only two paws, but having become acquainted with it, you will understand that a physical defect does not prevent him from living an active cat life!

Yes, yes - this is the baby Able from the city of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand, whose nickname from English is translated as Capable. And the name of the kitten was quite deserved, because for two years now he lives with only two hind legs.

It turns out that, at the age of one year, Aiblul or Mighty, I wanted to play a trifle, which is so characteristic of his relatives. Only, alas, in the sight of the kitten was not a mouse, but a bird sitting on the roof.

Well, that's all - one unsuccessful jump and Able fell from the roof to an electrical transformer, received an electric shock, after which he lost his tail and forepaws.

Who knows if the kitten would have survived then or not if the 49-year-old Walai Sriboonvorakul had not taken care of him? A good-natured woman, when she saw the crippled cat, immediately felt his irrepressible energy and did not allow vegetation on the streets of the city.

It took her two years to recover her health, and to teach her how to do everything that Able could do before the accident.

You will not believe, but today the Capable can deftly jump like a kangaroo, fools around, wash, go down and climb the stairs and even run for four-legged girl-friends.

But most importantly, Able in her grief is not alone - the hostess has found another cat, named Fin Fin, who was denied two hind legs. Today, two cats have become best friends, they miraculously get along and help each other not to feel their physical defects.

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