How long do eyelashes stretch?

The dream of any representative of the fair sex - to look good throughout the day, with a minimum of effort. As far as possible, modern cosmetology tries to satisfy the requirements of ladies. Therefore, the popularity of using procedures to increase nails, eyelashes, tattoo. But is this service really that good. How long do eyelashes and fingernails keep? Is it advisable to conduct these procedures in general?

Eyelash extension

Unfortunately, nature does not endow all women with thick, beautiful, even eyelashes. But after all, I want everyone to have a fascinating and memorable look. The first solution to this problem that comes to mind is mascara. It really helps, but it can not be called a panacea. Often it happens that even with the help of expensive cosmetics can not achieve the desired result.

Before you figure out how long they hold, it does not hurt to figure out what exaggerated eyelashes are. Strictly speaking, there is no secret in this. These are synthetic cilia, which externally do not differ from the real ones (except that it is long). The fibers are divided into groups:

The names do not match the material of manufacture. Synthetic are all fibers, only their appearance is different. Mink - thick and conspicuous eyelashes, sable - neat, smooth, fox - slightly twisted to look cunning and mysterious.

How much should the extensions extend?

The answer to this question is unequivocal, rather difficult. Much depends on how quickly grow your own eyelashes. Immediately it should be warned that the fiber is not a reason to forget about eye makeup for the next two to three months. To keep your eyes constantly on top, you need to make regular corrections.

How long do eyelashes stretch when they are fastened on a crammer? From three weeks to a month. More precisely, they can remain partially in the eyes, but their appearance will not be so presentable. To look perfect, it is after this period that cosmetologists recommend to replace all deformed and dropped cilia with new ones.

How long do eyelashes stretch if you use mascara?

In general, most women increase eyelashes specifically in order to rid themselves of the need to paint them. But there are also such ladies who even after the procedure continue to use makeup without thinking that it can harm the fibers.

Of course, it is best to keep the extended eyelashes if they are not dyed and do not subsequently be treated with special means. If you can not do without carcass , cosmetologists recommend using a special tool, which is intended for artificial fibers.

What can I do to make the extensions lingering for a long time?

  1. Immediately after the procedure for 48 hours, the lashes can not be moistened.
  2. After building up the eyes, it is strictly forbidden to rub. Otherwise, the fibers can break or fall, and on the eyelids will remain ugly bald patches.
  3. To extend lashes stayed longer, it is advisable to constantly sleep on your back or on your side. The main thing is not to bury them in the pillow.
  4. Eyes need to be washed periodically. Only use for this you need not tonic or serum, and ordinary water in a small amount.
  5. At the first uncomfortable sensations, it is recommended to remove artificial fibers.
  6. You can not wear extended eyelashes constantly. At least once in three or four months for a couple of weeks they need to be removed and give natural hairs to recover.