How to make a decision, if in doubt?

Every day, people face situations that involve taking a decision, starting with the choice of products and ending with the choice of a place of study or work. At the same time for many people this is a real disaster, because there is a lot of doubt and fear that the choice will be made incorrectly. In such a situation, information on how to make a decision, if in doubt, will be at hand. Psychologists have long been interested in this topic, so they have developed several techniques that allow you to do everything right.

How to make the right decision in life?

There are many different factors that cause a person to suffer in doubt. For example, some people in complex situations rely only on their experience and opinions, not perceiving advice from outside, and others tend to build some illusions that do not allow them to see the reality.

Tips on how to make an important decision:

  1. Expand the scope . In many situations, apart from the standard answer yes / no, there are a huge number of other solutions. For example, thinking about whether you need to quit your job , it may be worth talking to your superiors to correct the irritating factors.
  2. Avoid emotions . Finding out how to make a difficult decision, you can not leave the emotional factor without attention, because it often does not allow a person to soberly assess the situation and understand its essence, which in the end leads to making wrong decisions. Psychologists suggest in such situations, to answer the question: "What will I feel, having made such a choice, in five minutes, several months or a year"
  3. Use as much information as possible . Today, thanks to the Internet, you can find answers to almost any questions. Many people write their opinions about products, services, places of rest and even about the enterprises they work for.
  4. Weigh all the pros and cons . Many psychologists, reflecting on the topic of how to make an important decision in life, are advised to get a visual confirmation by making two lists. On one write possible perspectives and advantages, and on the second - what will have to lose and the existing shortcomings. This will allow you to correctly prioritize and not make mistakes.
  5. Be interested in the opinions of others . Here it is important to choose the right counselor and it is best to contact a person who is primarily competent in this area and has achieved some success. This will get rid of excess arrogance and get constructive criticism .