Vitamins for the heart

The heart is the most important organ, which works non-stop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To the heart to work stably and cope with the load, it must be strengthened. Physical exercises are an excellent training for the cardiovascular system, but with a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, problems can still arise. Therefore, we will tell you what vitamins for the heart will help strengthen the heart muscle.

Vitamin tablets

The form of release of vitamins for the heart in tablets allows to strengthen health in the usual pace of life, does not require additional manipulation (for example, as in the case of injections).

For the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, first of all, microelements, such as potassium and magnesium, are needed. To increase their level in the body naturally, you need to eat more bananas, grapes and potatoes. In addition, very useful for the heart are omega-3 fatty acids, which in large quantities are contained in oily ocean fish. However, sometimes this is not enough, so pharmacy comes to the rescue.

In the modern world, when stresses and bad ecology have become the norm of life, vitamins need courses throughout the year. Provide the body with the necessary substances will help balanced vitamin and mineral complexes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

  1. Doppelgerz active Magnesium + Potassium effervescent tablets with a taste of lemon and grapefruit. It is enough to take 1 tablet a day with meals to make up supplies of potassium and magnesium in the body. 1 tablet Doppelherz contains 300 mg of potassium (8.6% of the daily norm), 300 mg of magnesium (75% of the daily norm), vitamins B6 and B12.
  2. "Nutrilight omega-3 complex" from Amway company contains the necessary amount of essential essential fatty acids that help maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is also an analogue, with the addition of a vitamin-like substance of coenzyme Q-10, which is rightfully considered one of the most powerful antioxidants and is necessary for supplying the heart with energy
  3. "Send" from the company Evalar replenishes the daily need of the body in nutrients and implements immediately 3 functions: supports the work of the heart muscle, normalizes the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation.

Magnesium is one of the most important trace elements for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Even a small lack of this substance in the body can lead to serious diseases, up to heart attacks. Therefore, vitamins for the heart with magnesium will be a good choice for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamins for the heart in pricks

People who professionally engage in sports often experience overload. To help their body recover quickly in the shortest time using vitamins in pricks. Useful actions of the drugs are manifested as early as 15-20 minutes after administration, this allows for training with increased intensity and reduces the recovery time.

Among the available vitamins for the heart for athletes the most popular are vitamins of group B and vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants that helps in the period of exacerbations of colds and strengthens the immune system. B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, help them to adapt more quickly to physical stress, and shorten the recovery time after training.