How to stop gnawing your nails?

There are many habits, the harm of which we do not ponder, because the consequences are waiting for us somewhere in the distant future. Even frightening inscriptions on packets of cigarettes are not very impressive for heavy smokers. Meanwhile, the habit of gnawing nails depresses any woman, because the consequences of such dubious pleasure on the face, or rather, on the hands, almost immediately. Uneven nails of ugly shape, burrs, bleeding wounds - which is to say, such a "business card" is a shame to present.

If you are thinking about how to stop nibbling your nails, read this article to the end. We have collected for you the proven advice of grandmothers, the recommendations of psychologists and those who have already coped with this unpleasant habit.

Why do people bite their nails?

Doctors even have such a term - onychophagy. So your habit of gnawing your nails is quite a disease. The reasons for it are not fully understood (there are theories that some people do not have enough nutrients), but the most common opinion is that the craving for nails is an expression of stress, nervousness, and self-doubt. By the way, it is this portrait - an uncertain and, perhaps, secretive person - that is drawn to others in the head, if you chew on your nails.

How to get bored of nails?

Let's start with the methods tested by time :

There are more modern weapons to combat the habit of gnawing nails :

And a few psychological techniques :

And one more tip: find in the purse a place for manicure accessories, in time to cope with the temptation to correct a broken nail.