What does the name Zlata mean?

The main feature of Zlata is curiosity, the main drawbacks of it are greed and egocentrism.

The name Zlata itself says about its meaning - "gold", "gold".

Origin of the name Zlata:

The name Zlata comes from the Slavic "golden". Analogues of this name are in many languages, including Greek and Hebrew.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Zlata:

In childhood, Zlata is serious and thoughtful, differs truthfulness, never deceives her parents, but in the society of her peers she does not fool and does not trick me. Very similar to her father. Early begins to think about the future, and the prospects evaluate rationally, it is not child-wise and prone to dreaminess. Small Zlat may have digestive problems, because they are picky, picky and capricious about food. They can refuse to eat at a party. She prefers home, it is more pleasant to invite her than to walk.

From an early age Zlata is amorous, respectful of others, she never allows herself "improper" behavior. Carefully calculates financial transactions, likes to save and can not tolerate borrowing. A tightly stuffed cup warms her soul and brings moral calm and confidence in the future. Has his point of view and expresses it openly, without fear of condemnation. Due to easy unearthliness and detachment in the conflict, it may look like a medieval martyr. On the one hand, it is inward, and, on the other hand, it is artistic and perceptive. Many Zlatas are realized on the stage or as writers and journalists.

In accordance with its name, Zlaty love the iridescent shine of gold. In life, they do not tolerate boredom and routine, the risk and emotional turmoil will always prefer a domestic swamp. They have a lot of friends, but in choosing the closest they are incredulous and cautious, many times they will check and recheck a person before exposing their souls. They believe first of all friends, they are ready to stand up for their protection. Do not tolerate betrayal, immediately tear the relationship.

Beauty owner Zlata not deprived. She has a stately proportional figure and classic facial features. Natural data, she skilfully emphasizes the tastefully dressed clothes and good make-up. Does not tolerate cheap stuff, substandard things. There are a lot of men around her, but she comes into marriage late. From the chosen one demands high moral qualities, support and understanding are important to it. Despite the fact that Zlata loves money, when choosing her husband, she seldom pays attention to his financial security. Treason for Zlat humiliating, betraying their man, they are unlikely to ever forgive. In sexual life Zlata is sensitive and gentle, but the partner will need a lot of caress and patience to stir it. Zlata appreciates chivalry and does not tolerate rudeness, does not tolerate when it tries to command it.

In everyday life Zlata is domestic and economic, has time and do household chores, and bring up children, and work. Appreciates when her husband is ready to save her from difficulties and difficult situations.

Interesting facts about the name of Zlata:

"Winter" Zlata differ activity and mobility, they are ambitious in their work, can not sit in one place. Born in the summer and spring prefer solitude and do not bore boredom. "Autumn" - emotional, impulsive, like experiments, amorous and sociable, always surrounded by a large number of loyal friends and devoted fans.

Strong alliances Zlat with Igor, Sergei, Borisov and Vadim, cool relations with the Andrians, Edward and Alexander.

Zlata's name in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Zlata : Zlatka, Zlatushka

Zlata - color of name : gold

Flower of Zlata : mimosa

Goldstone : Diamond

Nicky for the name Zlata : Zolotko, Zolotse, Zlato, Sunny, Dandelion, Redhead, Ingots