Vitamin E in pregnancy - dosage

Unfortunately, recently it is impossible to get all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements from food. Every year the nutritional value of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits is getting lower, and in order to make up for it, it is necessary to introduce vitamins and multivitamin complexes into the diet. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins is significantly increased, because the baby, which is being formed, needs building material. Consider in detail the role of vitamin E in pregnancy and its dosage.

Importance and norm of vitamin E (tocopherol) in pregnancy

The importance of vitamin E for the human body is difficult to overestimate, its role is really great. Its main function is a natural antioxidant: it protects the body cells from free radicals and helps to destroy the cancer cells. Vitamin E is responsible for the maturation of the egg, contributing to the normalization of the menstrual cycle. Lack of it in the body can be one of the causes of infertility. Tocopherol normalizes the transport of oxygen in the body and prevents the formation of blood clots.

It is impossible not to mention the protective role of vitamin E, which helps to increase immunity, fight infection and adverse environmental effects (prevents the mutation of cells during division, thereby preventing the development of cancer). So what is the importance of vitamin E during pregnancy? As already mentioned, it prevents the development of gene mutations in dividing cells, and the fetal cells are constantly divided. Therefore, taking an adequate dose of vitamin E during pregnancy prevents the development of anomalies and deformities in the fetus, and also participates in the development of the respiratory system. In addition, this vitamin helps to maintain pregnancy and prevents spontaneous abortion, and also helps form the placenta and regulates its work.

Vitamin E for pregnant women - dosage

The norm of vitamin E for pregnant women is 20 mg and corresponds to the daily needs of the body. Depending on the need, large doses of the vitamin (200 mg and 400 mg) can be prescribed. Vitamin E during pregnancy, according to the instructions, you can take no more than 1000 mg per day, but still it is better to consult a doctor. Vitamin E can be drunk as a part of multivitamin complexes that are rich in them, as well as from food. A fairly large percentage of tocopherol is found in walnuts, seeds , rose hips, vegetable oil and eggs. An important condition for taking vitamin E is - do not take it with iron-containing foods (meat, apples), under the influence of which it can be destroyed.

Overdose of vitamin E in pregnancy

Excess intake of vitamin E during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences. Since tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin, it is able to accumulate in adipose tissue, which during pregnancy is slightly increased. So, it makes the muscles more elastic than complicates the process of childbirth, so in the last month of pregnancy it is not necessary to appoint it. In some sources, specific figures of the studies are given, when pregnant women took tocopherol in large doses. Some of the children who were born from such mothers had heart problems. This again indicates that the appointment of vitamin E in large doses requires great caution.

Thus, vitamin E in prophylactic dosage favorably affects the organism of the pregnant woman and fetus, helping to conceive and bear the child. When taking unreasonably large doses of tocopherol, symptoms may develop that indicate an overdose. Remember that vitamins are not completely harmless drugs, their appointment requires an individual approach from a competent specialist.