Walnut pecan - useful properties

Pecan is the closest relative of the walnut, to taste they are very similar, but the core of the pecan is a little more tender. It should also be noted that pecans are considered a real storehouse of useful substances, which are so necessary for each of us. The homeland of pecans is the central and eastern territories of North America, and also the valleys of Mexican rivers. The use of pecan is very high due to the fact that it has a lot of useful vitamins , which are important for a person. In this article, you need to disassemble in more detail the useful properties of the nut in order to have a full idea of ​​its value, and to expand the answer to the interesting question as to what is so useful for the pecan nut and what useful substances it contains.

The use of pecan

Many people are interested in the question of what is the benefit of the pecan. Most often, the answer to it comes by itself, as soon as you begin to delve into the composition of the nut. It turns out that you can see a variety of useful vitamins and trace elements in it, but most of all in the nut contains vitamins A, E and B, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus , potassium and zinc. Such a chic vitamin composition explains why pecans are advised to add various diets to the anti-cholesterol regimens. In turn, it is necessary to know that, like in any other kind of nuts, there are a lot of vegetable fats in pecans - that's why such nuts are quickly spoiled and for this reason they are best kept frozen. Due to their considerable content of vitamin E in the nut, scientists have suggested that this type of nuts can inhibit the growth and growth of cancer cells (this quality is owned by vitamin E). Perhaps in the future the world will learn a new cure for cancer, created just from such miraculous nuts, which are pecans.

What is useful for pecans?

This nut is popular due to its medicinal properties: it can improve the performance of many organs and systems, and its oil prolongs the youth and beauty of man. Let's list the useful properties of a pecan nut, to finally make sure of its undeniable benefits:

  1. Purification of blood . "Nut" carotene helps purify from poisons, which are already so much in the bloodstream of each person.
  2. Anti-cancer properties . Scientists are convinced that the antioxidants that are available in these nuts can play an important role in the prevention of certain types of cancer. Nuts against prostate cancer, cancer of the duodenum, breast cancer and lung cancer are very effective.
  3. Improvement of vision . Carotene, which is found in pecans, is very useful for vision and can serve as a good preventive for eyesight, or, to enhance the effectiveness of treatment of many "eye" diseases.
  4. Lowering cholesterol . This nut is also rich in monounsaturated fats, for example, oleic acid, which increases the level of so-called "favorable" cholesterol and lowers the "bad" level.

Recommendations for selection and storage

When choosing nuts, it is very important to pay attention to ensuring that the core of the nut itself is whole and fleshy. If you buy them in the shell, you need to choose pure nuts, without different cracks and holes - they must be heavy for their size, and not hollow.

To save nuts in the best condition, it is recommended to store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator or in the freezer compartment. Store in the refrigerator they can be up to four months, and in the frozen state and up to six months. Before use, it is advised to thaw the nuts to room temperature.