How to fold a boat out of paper?

Paper origami is the oldest and very popular among children and adults art of folding funny figures from paper . The main difference between the origami technique and other types of paper crafts is that the figure is made up of a whole sheet, without the use of glue, and as a result, if the article is unfolded, we again get an unharmed piece of paper.

The most common paper craft is, of course, the boat, because everyone remembers the pleasure of this fun-loving children's amusement - to launch a paper or cardboard steamer along the river.

Scheme of origami ship from paper

It is very easy to build a boat from paper, but not everyone knows how to fold it correctly. To produce it, we only need a blank sheet of white or colored paper. When building origami, it is better to follow the detailed scheme.

Boat from paper master class

For clarity, we show you a detailed master-class how to add a model of the boat from paper. Take a blank sheet of paper. The size of the sheet is chosen based on the desired value of the future craft, but we take into account that during the manufacture of the ship, the paper will be folded several times, and as a result, the origami will be much less than the sheet. For example, we use the standard A4 format, the boat will not be more than 10 centimeters in length.

  1. On a clean sheet, with a simple pencil or felt-tip pen, draw a vertical line that separates it strictly in half. It will be the first bend line.
  2. Now, strictly along the bend line, fold the sheet in half vertically.
  3. Denote the next vertical axis, but mark it with a pencil is not worth it, since in this case the line will be visible on the future craft, it will spoil its appearance. To avoid this, just gently fold the sheet four times, mark the line and straighten it back. Then we take the two upper corners and add them to the vertical axis as shown in the figure. The resulting bending lines should be carefully bent, for this the resulting bending lines should be carefully bent, for this it is better to use some solid object, such as a paper knife.
  4. Under the bent corners we have a free double strip of paper. Fold first the upper strip, again carefully fixing the line of bending.
  5. Then do the same with the bottom bar.
  6. Now we begin to reveal the resulting triangle from below.
  7. Next, the opened triangle is folded into a square so that the lateral angles are located at its center in order to do it correctly, orienting according to the drawing. Then fill the corners of one strip under the other corners.
  8. Now let's bend the top half in half, putting it on the bottom on the base of the figure, and its upper and lower corners are compatible.
  9. Similarly, add the resulting part from the reverse side so that an isosceles triangle is formed.
  10. Now we will open the triangle from the bottom, spreading the lateral parts in the sides.
  11. Having opened the figure, we bring together the lower corners, we have a double square.
  12. Now we take in hand the resulting square and carefully, so as not to tear the paper, stretches the upper corners of the figure to the sides, lifting the side of the boat at the same time.
  13. Let's unfold the figure and get an almost ready origami ship, it remains to completely modify it a little.
  14. To our ship was more stable and well sailed with the flow, without turning over, give it the bottom of the shape of the diamond.

Finally, the boat from the paper is ready to go on an exciting journey through the rapid flow of the river.