Pathology of the cervix

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes some changes. The cervix in this aspect is one of the main organs, the diseases of which can significantly affect both the pregnancy and the delivery process. The pathology of the cervix during pregnancy can pose a threat to the life of the fetus, as it is the cause of miscarriage, both at an early and later date.

Classification of cervical pathology

Isthmicocervical insufficiency

In a normal state, the cervix has a diameter of about 2.5 cm. With a similar anomaly, the muscles of the neck of the vest do not contract, which leads to premature opening. In this case, the fetus, without support, falls down, resulting in the beginning of labor.

Isthmiko-cervical insufficiency , as a rule, provokes miscarriages on a period of 20-30 weeks. Some women note stitching pains, in others, such a pathology of the cervix is ​​not accompanied by symptoms.


Endorcervicitis most often occurs as a result of a transmitted infection, staphylococcus, E. coli or other similar disease. Pathology is accompanied by secretions with an unpleasant odor, inflammation of the cervix and can cause late miscarriage and premature birth.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix in pregnancy is a pathological condition in which the wound appears on the organ. Erosion, as a rule, is caused by human papillomavirus, hormonal disorders, mechanical trauma after using a spiral or chemical contraceptives, previous abortions with curettage of the uterine cavity. As a rule, the treatment of erosion as pathologies of the cervix during pregnancy is not carried out, but begins already in the postpartum period.

Screening of cervical pathology

A specialist in the pathology of the cervix determines any anomaly with the help of colposcopy - an external examination using a colposcope. In combination with cytological research, this method makes it possible to determine pathology at an early stage of development.

If at the primary examination in the first trimester of pregnancy any, even minor, abnormal changes are detected, then further studies will be carried out later. Also, for a more accurate diagnosis in the second trimester, use a sighting and an extended biopsy.