Signs of miscarriage early

According to statistics, most miscarriages occur precisely in the early term - up to twelve weeks. The very idea of ​​the possibility of miscarriage for a future mother is simply unbearable. Therefore, often because of their fears pregnant women are inclined to give out for real miscarriage symptoms something that has nothing to do with them. Let's try to figure out how to determine the signs of miscarriage at an early date.

Let's check

The difficulty is that in many cases the symptoms of miscarriage can not be unequivocally stated. For example, if there was a miscarriage at week 2, his symptoms would be practically absent or did not manifest themselves at all. This is because the miscarriage at this time almost coincides with the time of menstruation, and often spotting, which are symptoms of an early miscarriage, are taken by a woman for the usual menses. Of course, if she did not suspect about the onset of pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has a miscarriage at week 5, the symptoms will make themselves felt. What signs accompany the termination of pregnancy?

The first symptoms of miscarriage:

In some cases, there are no obvious signs of miscarriage, but indirect symptoms are observed.

Indirect signs of early miscarriage:

If you understand more specifically, then with spontaneous abortion the symptoms depend on its stage.

At the first stage (threatening), there are aching pains in the abdomen and minor discharge with blood. In the second stage of miscarriage the symptoms are worse. The pain is cramping, the discharge becomes more distinct. There is a general weakness. In the third stage, bloody discharge becomes abundant. On the fourth - bleeding stops, and abortion is considered to be held. Simultaneously with bleeding ceases and spasms.

What should I do if I have an early miscarriage?

Since in the first two stages of miscarriage, pregnancy can still be maintained, it is very important not to lose a minute to seek the help of doctors.

If there is a discharge with an admixture of blood, take a horizontal position and immediately call an ambulance. You can not prescribe medicines yourself. It is forbidden to put cooling compresses on the stomach. If the discharge is small, the chances of saving the baby are still there, with strong bleeding, nothing can be done.

We figured out what signs of miscarriage often occur. But in order to minimize the probability of miscarriage, you need to know why it can happen.

Causes of miscarriage at an early age

Among the main reasons are: