How to lose weight in fasting?

If you reject the religious side of fasting, then this food system is only a vegetarian, which is used in Lent. That is, when you are wondering how to lose weight in fasting, you just have to answer yourself, whether you can lose weight by being a vegetarian.

There is no universal answer for everyone, alas, no - we all have an individual need for nutrients. Although the canons of a balanced menu are there, different people need different kinds of food - for someone it is just necessary (physiologically) meat, and someone is much more useful to focus their attention on plant foods. Some people on a vegetarian diet lose weight, others, on the contrary, gain weight.

In any case, one should consider the probable ways of how to lose weight during fasting, as well as the pros and cons of this method, in spite of the fact that the church does not approve of such motives.

Benefits of losing weight in the post

The first thing that comes to mind in favor of the fact that fasting in the post is easy is to unite with society. Most people can not keep on a diet, because everyone around is eating tasty, hearty, high-calorie. In a post, you know that, such as you a lot. In restaurants and cafes, you are not ashamed (and even proud), ask for "something lean" without blushing, explaining what can be done on your diet.

Therefore, the question whether you can lose weight on the post, we answer: of course, you can.

Fasting is a bridge from harmful nutrition to a healthy lifestyle. You will be able to give up fatty, roasted, significantly lowering the cholesterol content in your diet . In addition, you will have an incentive, reduce the consumption of sweets.

Dietitians often have to answer the questions of anxious clients: can I lose weight keeping a fast? And the excitement is justified - all diets frighten us with carbohydrates and tend to minimize their consumption. At the same time, fasting is practically a carbohydrate diet. Vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, porridges, beans - all these are carbohydrates. But nutritionists protect the post - you can lose weight when the amount of calories consumed is less than the expenditure of energy itself.

If you start looking for recipes for lean pies from the first day of the fast, and are bought with lean sweets, do not be surprised that you will not get anything done, either spiritually or dietarily.

Cons of losing weight during fasting

However, losing weight in Lent, or, to put it more scientifically, losing weight on a vegetarian diet, can also cause harm to health.

The ration diet, in any case, is poor in proteins, vitamins of group B, zinc, iodine and iron. Long stay on such a diet can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In addition, nutritionists warn: you can fast only to people, without disruptions in eating behavior. Problems with eating behavior are, first of all, overeating and seizing of stress . A protein-poor diet combined with overeating carbohydrate food can play a cruel joke on the body. Lack of omega-3 acids, high-grade animal proteins and vegetarian food can promote stretching of the stomach walls, which means, further weight gain, increase in appetite, stretch marks.

Leaving the post

If you still firmly decide to use the post for weight loss, do not forget that the first Easter week accounts for the largest number of ambulance calls - people are attacking food from "hunger". When you leave the post, start with the consumption of low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products and not more than 1 serving of fish per day. The portion of the Easter cake should not exceed 30 g.

Refuse, no matter how hard it may be, from fatty meat in the first Easter week. Give the body to get used to easily digestible protein products - dairy and fish food.

Help your digestion - in the first week after the end of the fast, take supplements with bifidobacteria.