Why can not you drink seawater?

Why is the sky blue and the water wet? Why do birds fly? Why is the fire hot and the ice cold? Why can not you get the sun? Why can not you drink seawater?

Usually we do not think about such issues. But if there is a child in your home, everything changes.

Let's try to understand at least one question from the list of a little pokachki, who knows the world and do not forget about adults who also do not know the answer to this question.

Is it possible to drink seawater?

This question is especially important when you are going to spend a holiday at sea with children: you will certainly have to explain that you can not drink sea water and why.

Let's think about why it is really not worth it to drink and what it is fraught with.

The main difference between sea water and fresh water in its salinity. One drop of sea water contains 0.001 g of salt. Our body is simply not able to cope with so much sodium. The burden on the kidneys in this case will be too great. The use of sea water for several days will be enough to cause irreversible processes in the body: renal failure, destruction of the nervous system, poisoning of internal organs, dehydration .

This is not the only reason why you can not drink sea water. In our time, thanks to human activities, not only the sources of fresh water, but also the seas and oceans have been contaminated. In addition, we usually have access to sea water in places of mass gathering of people - on the beaches. In such conditions, not only drinking, even trying water is dangerous for health: often after visiting even the cleanest beaches people turn to physicians with symptoms of viral intestinal diseases. Especially children are affected.

However, the brackish-bitter sea water is not so tasty, and so few people will come to mind to drink it if there is an alternative from fresh water and a variety of drinks. And besides, this water does not fight with thirst at all.

The Benefits of Sea Water

And yet, sometimes you can drink seawater. However, before that, it should be desalinated. Some states, already experiencing an acute shortage of fresh water, are actively engaged in the development of seawater desalination technologies on an industrial scale. In addition, salted sea water is now used for technical needs, for example, in Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, sea water is most used in cosmetology and medicine. Almost everyone knows about the benefits of sea water saturated with minerals for skin, nails and hair. In addition, pure sea ​​water has high antiseptic and antibacterial properties.