Zamiokulkas - yellow leaves

Zamiokulkas or the so-called dollar tree - a plant from the family of aroids is a relative of monsters and diffenbachah. In the last decade zamiokulkas has become very popular. Beautiful elegant plant with its juicy bright green shoots with dense leaves adorn not only apartments and houses, but also strict office premises.

A distinctive feature of the plant is its unpretentiousness, it feels good even in conditions of low illumination and rare watering. Zamiokulkas is not dangerous drafts, he easily adapts to the transfer, for example, from the room to the balcony or garden. However, flower growers-lovers notice such an unpleasant phenomenon - sometimes yellow leaves turn yellow. Let's try to find out why the yellow leaves turn yellow?

If the leaves of the zmioculcus turn yellow, this does not always mean that the plant is in pain. The flower grows slowly, new young leaves appear during the growing season, and the old leaves gradually turn yellow and die. So it is quite normal, when the plant separate leaves turn yellow, and in parallel new shoots appear. In this case, it is necessary to wait until the yellowed leaves dry completely, then they can be safely removed for zamiokulkasa.

Much worse if the leaves turn yellow, but there are no new shoots. Here it is necessary to find out why zamyokulkas turns yellow? Often the phenomenon signals that care for the plant is not done correctly.

Causes of yellowing of leaves

The most common cause, as a result of which yellow leaves of zmioculcus, is the overmoistening of the soil, which causes decay of the root system. The plant responds somewhat more rarely to the drying of the soil in the plant pots. In fact, the flower accumulates life-giving moisture in the tubers, which allows it to sustain a shortage of water shortage due to internal reserves. Sometimes the indoor plant dries and turns yellow with insufficient humidity in the room.

What to do, if the zmiokulkasa yellow leaves, depends on the cause of the negative changes in the plant. If the flower suffers from improper irrigation, pouring zamiokulkas is necessary, taking into account the condition of the soil. If the soil in the pot is damp, and even more so if the water remains in the pan, watering is not required. At the same time, the drying and cracking of the soil should not be allowed. If the depressed state of the plant is caused by dry air, you need to move the indoor flower away from radiators and other heating devices, choosing a cooler place for its growth. Also do not forget that zmiokulkas needs periodic spraying from the sprayer with standing water at room temperature.

Pests of zmioculcus and ways to combat them

Zamiokulkas can suffer from the defeat of flower pests - spider mites , scabs or aphids .

Spider mite

The pest can be destroyed by spraying and wiping leaves with water or ready insecticides.


Adult parasites are destroyed by spraying soap- tobacco solution with kerosene or wiping leaves with a cotton swab moistened with a ready insecticide. The larvae can be removed with a soap solution.


In order to control aphids, you can also use a soap-tobacco solution with the addition of sulphate at a rate of 1 g per 1 liter of solution. Even with severe symptoms of the disease of the flower, do not rush to throw it away. Having freed the roots and tubers of the plant, examine them well. If the root part of the plant is healthy and still resilient, wash it with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, let it dry and plant in new soil. Most likely, zamiokulkas will give new shoots.