Counting the bouts

The whole process of labor is divided into three periods: the first period or period of opening the cervix, the second - the period of exertion or the period of expulsion, and the third - the consecutive, during which the placenta separates. The appearance of fights indicates the beginning of labor.

Periodicity of contractions

Abbreviations of the uterus in the first period of labor is usually called a fight. At the true beginning of labor, the duration of labor is 7-10 seconds, the interval between the first contractions is usually about 30 minutes. True fights are different from false ones by the increase in intensity and the reduction in the intervals of contractions. Reducing the interval between contractions to 5 minutes and increasing their duration to 10-15 seconds indicates that there is a cervix opening at 4 cm and regular labor was established. That is, the birth has already begun.

How correctly to count fights?

Counting contractions should begin after the appearance of the first bout. For the calculation of fights, it is desirable to have a watch with a second hand to know exactly how the intervals decrease and how their intensity increases. It is recommended to fix the time of bouts on paper or, if there is no way to do it, then at least remember the time of the first bout to tell the doctor about the beginning of childbirth. Contractions every 10 minutes (or at least 5 fights per hour) indicates that labor has begun, at this stage, the mucous plug can be detached. Some doctors believe that in such battles, it is not necessary to immediately go to the hospital. But, it is impossible to exclude the onset of pathological conditions or rapid childbirth, so at this moment it is better to stay in the hospital.

Contractions every 5 minutes indicate the establishment of regular labor and serves as an indication for an early treatment in the maternity hospital. Contractions every 3 minutes with a duration of 50-60 seconds indicate the full or almost complete opening of the cervix and the beginning of the lingering period. At this stage, a woman can feel pressure on the anus and an increasing desire to empty the intestine.

Program for calculating contractions

There are many computer programs that help a woman count fights, they can be used online or by downloading a program. The developed programs will easily allow the mother to monitor the duration and frequency of contractions. And also help distinguish true fights from false ones.

It must be remembered that correct behavior during childbirth, counting bouts and understanding what is happening in the body, will help a woman to orient - how to act in this or that situation.