Levkoy - growing out of seeds, when planted on seedlings, crooked cultivation

Optimal for such a plant, as a lemon, growing out of seeds, when planting a crop, you first need to seedlings, and then to the ground. These flowers are honey trees and do not require careful care, which makes them especially attractive for beginner gardeners who do not have special skills.

Levkoi - growing from seeds

This plant can be either annual or perennial with stems, the length of which is from 20 to 80 cm. The flowers have a white, pink, lilac or yellow shade. At home, for gillyflowers, it is preferable to grow from seeds, which positively affects the extension of the flowering period. Mattiola, as the culture is called, has a few more features of planting:

  1. In one flowerbed, it is better to plant three types of flowers at once: early, medium-early and late-flowering. Then the buds will appear regularly on the shoots from May to the middle of autumn.
  2. Levkoy fades in just 5 days, so it is not recommended to plan its use in design landscape compositions. Terry species retain an attractive appearance up to 3 weeks.
  3. For reproduction, only the seed method can be used.

When to plant a seedling on a seedling?

Collected seeds reach full maturity only in winter: then you need to cut off the pods and hang them in a dry, ventilated place to dry. When they become dry, the seeds are removed and soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour for disinfection. The answer to the question of when to plant a seedling on seedlings depends on the region in which it will be grown:

  1. In the southern climate, sowing can be done in the middle of winter, and then immediately transferred to open ground.
  2. Saplings in other regions begin to be planted not earlier than the end of February or early March. The deadline of possible is the beginning of April.

How to plant a seedling on seedlings?

Before sowing it is necessary to prepare an earth mix. The flowers will like any universal primer for garden crops or a mixture created independently from weakly acidic soil, sand and peat and treated with phytosporin. To sow the gillyflower on seedlings gave quick shoots, the seeds must also be prepared for sowing. First they are soaked in warm water for 2 hours, then the inoculum is wrapped in a wet napkin and placed for three days in the refrigerator. After that, the seeds are planted as follows:

  1. Prepared land is poured into boxes, leveled and watered. When growing gillyflower from seeds, when they are first planted with seedlings, the ground is not pre-fed in advance.
  2. Seeds are laid out on the surface, sprinkled with a layer of earth 0.5 cm thick, then covered with a piece of food film.
  3. The first watering is carried out in 4-5 days.

Levkoy - seedling growing

Further care for seedlings is not difficult. Once the gillyflower seedlings have risen, the cover is removed from it and the box is moved under diffused sunlight. Stimulate its development can be observed by the basic rules of cultivation:

  1. Moderate watering every 4-5 days. If you do this procedure more often, the matthiol will start to rot and turn black.
  2. Fertilizer with sulphate manganese, copper sulfate, boric acid and sulphate zinc.
  3. Providing access of oxygen to the roots through gentle loosening of the upper soil layer.

How many days does the lemon come on?

About 4-5 days after the landing, the first shoots of flowers begin to appear. From this moment, it is necessary to add manganese to the water for irrigation, so that the seedling does not stretch and form the correct root system. The temperature on the windowsill is reduced, arranging frequent airing for hardening shoots. Containers are exposed to a bright place for the shoots to actively absorb solar energy. After another 10 days, the plants will be ready to be planted in a flower bed.

Levkoi - sprouting seedling

When cotyledons develop well in seedlings, they are planted from a common dish in individual containers. Before you dive with a lemon, you need to carefully inspect each seedling. Of those that have light and large shoots, plants with double flowers are formed. Dividing the seedlings according to the appearance of future buds, they are dived:

  1. Terry levee is transferred to pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm and fed with mineral fertilizers . They do not form seed boxes.
  2. A simple matthiol is planted in peat cassettes and grown on a light window sill.