We clean the nose from the black points: the effectiveness of vs popularity

Remove black dots on the nose can be different, but not all methods are equally useful, and some are frankly pointless.

Regardless of the type, age and fat content of the skin, open comedones, they are also black points, essentially spoil life at any age. The nose at the same time looks like a strawberry: the whole surface is dotted with small dark spots.

Getting rid of comedones is not so easy, because they are deep and dense sebaceous plugs, sitting in the pores, like professionally hammered nails. To combat them, a lot of methods have been invented. So let's figure out which methods of removing black dots are really effective, and what's worth keeping away from.

In fact, this is the only option to eliminate comedones with lasting results (2.5-4 weeks the skin remains clean). Nothing better than their extrusion has not yet been invented, but there is one "but". In the presence of medical or cosmetology education, no serious problems, of course, do not arise. Otherwise - hands off from the face, and march to be recorded on the procedure to a good specialist! Home cleaning without professional skills is always fraught with infection in microscopic wounds, and the appearance of such "joys" as irritation, bruising, swelling of the nose and inflammation.

In pharmacies and beauty shops, you can buy paper or fabric strips (patches) from closed comedones. They act like scotch or wax - you glue the plaster to the wet nose, smooth it smoothly, wait for drying and sharply shoot. Ideally, the heads of black dots are tightly adhered to the surface of the strip, so they are painlessly pulled from the pores by the pillars, softened by the action of the active components of the patch. But the reality is less radiant, at best a miracle-device will save 40-50% of comedones, although more often this figure is even lower. Therefore, patches are more suitable with a small number of black dots or as an intermediate between cleansing.

Such compounds are ready-made, if desired, they can easily be made at home (gelatin, protein mask). In fact, they are an alternative to the previously mentioned patches, and work similarly. But these funds are often advertised as a way to completely dissolve sebaceous plugs, turn them into liquid and deep clean the pores. Allegedly, they contain special active ingredients, allowing to achieve a magical effect. Such promises are just nonsense! Accumulations of sebum are so dense and firm that they do not melt at normal body temperature (by the way, 36.6 degrees), and even if it is increased. Accordingly, film masks are no more effective than patches.

Among women, it is widely believed that you can get rid of any skin problems, including open comedones, if you carefully remove its top layer. And the poor epidermis is daily exposed to peelings, rubbing with brushes, sponges and scrubbing with various abrasive substances. But it's time, finally, to stop these executions, because scraping the outer layer of the skin, even before the blood, in no way will help to pull out of the ornate ducts of the sebaceous glands solid plugs. For a while, the black dots really seem to disappear. However, this is only a visual effect - together with the dead cells of the epidermis, the upper part of the comedon is removed, the head darkened during the oxidation of sebum in contact with air. The leg of the "nail" remains calm.

An even less effective method of combating the "strawberry nose" is lubricating it with deeply cleansing mixtures (supposedly). It does not matter if these masks are bought in special shops, pharmacies or salons for a lot of money, or they are cooked in your favorite kitchen from affordable and cheap components, they will not help at all. All that such compounds are capable of is the bleaching of the upper part of the open comedon. As a result, the skin does get a more fresh and well-groomed appearance, but for a short while, in a few hours everything will return to normal.

If extrusion is not an option, for example, with a tendency to develop vascular "stars", a low pain threshold or a strong skin sensitivity, it is better to try vacuum treatment. Before the procedure, a preparation mask is applied, after which the master drives a small nozzle along the problem areas with a hole about 1 cm in diameter. The skin is slightly drawn into it by a vacuum in the cavity of the device, in fact, it works like a vacuum cleaner. Simultaneously, the epidermis is polished with microcrystals (dermabrasion). As a result - the lack of comedones, smooth and absolutely clean skin without pain, irritation and redness.

Electroplating was useful not only for physiotherapists, but also for cosmetologists. The effect of electric current on the skin, pre-moistened with alkaline solution, helps to soften the sebaceous plugs and completely painlessly remove them. The nose, "encrusted" with comedones, is quickly and effectively cleaned, especially if the procedure is supplemented by vacuum or mechanical treatment. As a bonus - light skin rejuvenation, increasing its tone, elasticity, improving its overall appearance.

The name of only 2 words includes a set of several procedures. After the make-up and classical cleansing of the face, the specialist strokes the skin with a large nozzle that radiates ultrasonic vibrations, which in turn are transferred to the cells. They seem to start trembling very fast, due to which the dead skin of the epidermis exfoliates, the contaminants are separated and the plugs in the sebaceous glands are destroyed. To remove them completely and fix the result obtained, a cleansing mask is applied, then - a pore-tightening serum and a soothing gel. The effect of ultrasound scrabbing is good, but not long, after 2 weeks, comedones are formed again.