How correctly to do the squat?

The squat is the basic exercise that allows you to pump the muscles of the legs and buttocks well. It can be included in the complex for weight loss and to increase muscle volume. This exercise can be performed with additional weight, which will only increase the load. There are several different options squat, which differ in technique and result.

How correctly to do the squat?

Starting any training is worth it with a warm-up , for which you can run or jump for five minutes. After this, you can go to the main exercise. Stand up straight, put your feet at shoulder level, slightly turning your feet to the sides. The back should be flat, especially during the squat. For additional control, it is recommended to look up a little. To understand how to properly do a deep squat, you need to understand the breath. Inhaling, sink down, pulling back the buttocks. Knees in any case should not converge and do not go to the thumbs. Go down until the hips are parallel to the floor. On exhalation, slowly go up.

How to make a squat girl right - exercise options

It was already said earlier that there are different types of squats, which we'll talk about:

  1. Sumo or Plie . This exercise differs in its wide setting of legs. Dropping down, knees need to be bred in different directions, but you do not need to take back the pelvis.
  2. Incomplete squat . During the performance of the squats, it is necessary to lower not low, not to the right angle in the knees. The load on the buttocks from such an exercise is small, but it is a couple of rescues for people who have problems with knee joints.
  3. A narrow squat . In this case, the legs should be put already, than the width of the shoulders. A large weight with a smaller amplitude can be used for this variant of squatting.
  4. In the Smith simulator . The squat is performed in a special simulator , in which the rod is moved along the rails up and down. Since during the training the muscles do not work the stabilizers, then the load on the body is much less. To give preference to this variant of the exercise is if you want to increase the amount of muscle.

Still it is necessary to understand what to do if the knees ache with squats, since unpleasant sensations can be a signal of serious problems. If the pain appears abruptly, consult a doctor, as this may be a result of an injury. Painful sensations can arise if the squat is done incorrectly, since the load on the knees can increase. You can take a warm bath for 25 minutes. In any case, always consult a doctor for advice.