Feelings before giving birth

Expectant expectation of childbirth in the last months of pregnancy is the main experience of the future mother. Especially if she plans to give birth naturally. Ready to be at any time, because birth can begin even in the middle of the night. The most important question that the expectant mother asks herself and others about her is what kind of sensations before giving birth will let her know that soon she will meet with the baby.

What do you feel before giving birth?

The sensations of birth, which are about to begin, can be very different. A few weeks before the birth, the woman may begin to "instinct of nesting." She will several times a day to sort out the dowry for the baby, to check if bags are ready and to clean up the already clean floor already. Some women start asking husbands to start doing repairs just a couple of days before the birth.

In addition, a woman can seek solitude, be taciturn, and this is understandable, excitement along with the moral hormones prepare her for childbirth. But just before giving birth, new physical sensations come to the forefront. They can be very different and depend both on the state of health of the mother, and on the course of pregnancy and the characteristics of her body.

Back pain before delivery

Real bouts are felt by waves, and they pass not only throughout the abdomen, but also at the waist. It's the pains before the birth in the loin that are characteristic of forerunners, and they bring the most anxious mother to the future. Also, low back pain is associated with an increasing burden on the back. They can begin already a couple of weeks before the birth.

Pain in the abdomen before delivery

Shortly before childbirth the baby's head descends into the pelvis, which can cause pressing pains in the lower abdomen. Also, if a woman feels precursory contractions, they too can manifest pains in the lower abdomen. Pain in the perineum before childbirth also occurs due to the fact that the baby is already at the entrance to the birth canal. These sensations occur a few days before the birth.

Sensations the day before the birth

The most unusual and strong can be the sensations on the eve of birth. One day before childbirth can disappear appetite, a woman can become restless, may start insomnia. There may appear minor bloody discharge (the cork goes away), diarrhea begins and nausea appears. False bouts can become more private and prolonged. Once their frequency is reduced to 10 minutes, and the duration will increase to 60 seconds, you need to go to the hospital. Of course, if water has not previously drained away (in this case, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately after the water drains off or the beginning of their leakage).