What should I do if the child is sick?

Children's moods can sometimes make even the most calm and balanced parents out of themselves. But not every cry is a manifestation of the character or mood of the crumbs. If it is a question of newborns, whims can be a symptom of diseases of the nervous system. In this case, it is impossible to understand without qualified medical care. But the vagaries of preschool and primary school children have very different roots.

We search for the reason

First, when a child is sick and angry, he makes it clear that he does not agree with a certain situation, and, therefore, he has his own opinion that it is not bad at all. Much worse, when all the experiences he spits inside, outwardly showing no emotion. The first thing to do if the child is insane is to let him calm down. Some children give in to calming, others need to be alone, so your baby should have a corner. When the cries subsided, it is necessary to find out why the child freaks out and try to solve the problem together. Perhaps he feels a lack of attention on your part, feels lonely, misunderstood, and because of age is unable to formulate his problems.

Methods of combating vagaries

If the whim is a consequence of the TV or computer turned off, you can not react at all. The child will understand that the desired result can not be achieved by crying and hysterics, and will calm down. The main thing is not to succumb!

A general recommendation regarding how to disinfect a child is that it does not exist, since the characters in children are different. But several rules on how to respond to the child's psyche, there are:

  1. First, do not act on the principle of a mirror, breaking down into a cry.
  2. Secondly, do not allow the child to manipulate himself by agreeing to his terms in exchange for good behavior.
  3. And finally, praise the child for the fact that he realized his wrong and calmed down.