The second birth is easier than the first?

During the first pregnancy the future mother acquires the experience of bearing and the birth of the baby, knows the unusual sensations of the birth and development of a new person in her. If a woman already has experience of bearing and giving birth to a baby, then each subsequent pregnancy is called repeated. We will try to consider why the second birth is easier than the first?

What is the difference between the first pregnancy and the second pregnancy?

During the second pregnancy, the tummy begins to grow faster and becomes visible sooner. This is due to the fact that after the first birth the uterus remains somewhat enlarged. At the second pregnancy the abdomen is located low, so the miscarriages do not so much torment heartburn and it is easier to breathe. The cause of this can be a weakening of the abdominal muscles and ligaments supporting the uterus. However, the burden on the bladder increases, and re-pregnant often complain of constant urge to urinate. This movement of the center of gravity increases the load on the spine and leads to constant aching pain in the lower back. Another difference between the second pregnancy and the first is the early sensation of fetal movements . So, if during the first pregnancy the woman starts to feel the stirring at the age of 18-20, then during the second pregnancy - at 15-17 weeks.

How are the second births?

I want to say at once that each organism is individual and it is impossible to accurately predict the course and outcome of each birth even for the same woman. However, there are certain features of the second birth, which we will consider below. Undoubtedly, the second genera flow easier and faster than the first. If you look at how long the second birth lasts, we will see the following: the total duration of labor in the primipara is 16-18 hours, in the 13-26 hours. Disclosure of the cervix is easier and faster than with the first birth, because the neck has already stretched, and the second time it will open much faster and painlessly. Thus, the duration of labor at the second birth and the period of the opening of the cervix is ​​half as long as during the first delivery. The lengthening period passes easier and faster, because the muscles of the vagina are well extensible and have already overcome this load. Therefore, the expulsion of the fetus will be earlier than the first time.

A very important point is that a woman remembers how to behave in childbirth: to breathe correctly during fights and attempts and taut.

Let us now consider why the second birth begins earlier. If the first birth occurs more often at 39-41 weeks, the second at 37-38 a week. This is due to the fact that during the second pregnancy the uterus becomes more sensitive to the elevated level of hormones in the blood, so the second birth can begin earlier than the first.

Is it easier to have a second pregnancy and childbirth?

The course and outcome of pregnancy largely depend on the state of the mother's body, her age and the time interval between pregnancies. If the future mother has a chronic illness, then during the second pregnancy it will progress more strongly. The optimal interval between pregnancies should be at least 3 years, so that the body of a young mother managed to recover after giving birth and breast-feeding. The age of a woman is of great importance for the bearing and birth of a child. So, after 35 years, the tissues of the uterus and perineum are not so stretchable, and the risk of gene mutations increases.

Having considered the difference of the second births from the first, the conclusion can be made the following: in most cases the second genera begin earlier than the first and flow faster and easier. The second pregnancy can complicate a little that the first child will demand the raised attention, and the woman can not pay most of the time to herself.