25 incredible incidents that happened in space

Space is an amazing and unusual place. He has so many riddles that we want to unravel, that we are no longer surprised by the strange and incomprehensible things that happen in him.

Since the space exploration, astronauts and scientists have discovered many bizarre phenomena. Starting with a UFO and ending with flickering lights in a cold space vacuum. What it is? Where does this come from? How to explain? Many questions remain unanswered. Let's leave their permission to scientists and learn about 25 things that have ever happened and happen in space.

1. A knock on the Chinese spaceship.

Chinese cosmonaut Yang Liwei became the first man in China to master the space on the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft. During his 21-hour mission, he talked about the constant knocking, which came from outside, as if someone were fighting at the door of the ship. He tried to find out the cause of the noise, but he did not find it. There were no explanations for this and some suggested that such sounds could be produced by the ship itself.

2. Cosmic acne.

When NASA astronaut Franklin Story Musgrave was in space, he claims to have seen a cosmic eel that looks like a moving tube. According to him, he saw these creatures twice. The cosmonaut insists on his own, despite the fact that many believe that it was space debris.

3. Strange flashes of light.

Many astronauts of the mission "Apollo 11" claimed to have seen strange flashes of light. They said that they saw them even with their eyes closed. According to them, the flashes were white, blue and yellow. Scientists believe that astronauts were only astonished by cosmic rays.

4. Strange orange light on the ISS.

This was the first flight of astronaut Samantha Christoforetti to the International Space Station. As she flew closer, she saw that the ISS was glowing with a blood-orange color. In arousal, she felt that they were aliens.

5. Green space balloon.

As part of the Mercury mission, Major Gordon Cooper flew around the Earth on an Atlas rocket. During his mission, he claimed to have seen a green ball approaching him, which soon disappeared. The tracking station, which was in the Australian Muchea, was able to intercept this signal.

6. Fire on the ISS.

Obviously, the last thing you would like to see in space is a fire. But scientists from NASA decided to conduct an experiment. They purposefully arranged a fire on board the ISS to see how the flame behaves. As a result, it formed small balls that burned very slowly. By the way, in space the fire burns faster and throws out more toxic substances.

7. Bacteria in the cosmos.

All living organisms in space change their structure, including bacteria. This was successfully proved by astronaut Cheryl Nickerson. During the next flight, she took salmonella with her in space and kept her for 11 days. After her return, the scientists infected these bacteria with laboratory mice. If in the normal state infected mice died on the seventh day, this time they died a couple of days earlier than usual. Similar experiments were performed with other bacteria, but each time the result was unexpected and unpredictable. It remains unclear how the microorganisms in space change and what effect they have on other creatures after their return from space to Earth.

8. Strange music.

As reported by the astronauts from the mission "Apollo 10", during the rotation on the far side of the moon they heard music that is not similar to the terrestrial. For a long time, the cosmonauts did not talk about this, but years later on their records from space, a low-frequency whistling noise began to be heard.

9. Aliens.

On NASA's assurances, during his next flight to the Moon, Neil Armstrong sent a secret message to Earth, which reportedly allegedly told of aliens "who are watching us on the other side of the Moon." It should be noted that in the future the astronaut never confirmed these words.

10. Flashes of light.

In 2007, scientists discovered in the cosmos mysterious flashes of light, lasting only milliseconds. They still can not say what or who causes them. Opinions differ. Someone claims that they are stars, some talk about the destruction of black holes, and some see aliens.

11. In space everything is higher.

One of the strange and unusual features of being in space. All who stay there for a long time, are higher. Due to the fact that in zero gravity the spinal cord does not shrink as much as on Earth, astronauts manage to become higher by 3%.

12. The catastrophe 10.7 billion light years ago.

Scientists recently discovered that in space there was a sudden burst of X-ray light at a distance of 10.7 billion light years from Earth. They consider this a destructive and catastrophic event. The energy that produced this splash was a thousand times more powerful than all the stars in our galaxy. What this was and what is caused, scientists can not explain.

13. The Russian astronaut saw something the size of a finger outside of his space station.

While working at Salyut-6, the Russian cosmonaut, Major-General Vladimir Kovalenok, saw from the outside a certain orbital object the size of a finger. While he was peering at him and trying to figure out what it was, the object suddenly exploded and split in half. Both objects having a golden glow disappeared as soon as they entered the Earth's orbit.

14. Cannibalism of the Milky Way.

With the help of the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA scientists discovered that the Milky Way has a rather strange and unusual feature - cannibalism. They studied 13 stars on the outer halo of the Milky Way to better understand how the Milky Way formed. During these years, in their opinion, the Milky Way grew, eating smaller galaxies.

15. UFO on the shuttle Atlantis.

During the flight of the shuttle Atlantis STS-115, a small UFO hit its orbit. The astronauts of the mission conducted several experiments to make sure of its safety. NASA scientists did not attach any importance to this and suggested that it was space debris or ice. However, many believe that this was just a cover, and scientists hide the true reasons.

16. Strange rays of light from nowhere.

While in space, NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao said that he saw five lights from the opposite direction of the sun and was delighted with one of their kind, but could not explain the nature of their occurrence. He said that they flew quickly and in an organized manner. The researchers are trying to unravel the mystery, not excluding that the light could come from the Earth.

17. A giant tank of water.

For about 12 billion light years, one of the quasars holds a huge reservoir of water, 140 trillion times the mass of water in the terrestrial oceans.

18. Strange UFO in the corner.

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly sometimes published photos from space in his Twitter. On one of these photos, in the right corner you can see a few white lights. Internet detectives immediately tried to see a UFO in them, but no one knows exactly what the lights are.

19. Deformation of the eyes after a flight into space.

Another strange and unusual feature that awaits cosmonauts. According to research scientists, astronauts, often flying in space, deformed eyes, optic nerves and pituitary gland. Problems arise due to "intracranial hypertension" - a state of high blood pressure in the brain and skull.

20. "Millennial Falcon".

Watching the ISS station, Jadon Beeson saw something rather strange. A pair of lights that look like the ship "Millennium Falcon" from the movie "Star Wars." He took a photo of the object and sent it to NASA, wanting an explanation. However, no response was received from there.

21. The Ninth Planet of the Solar System.

Astronomers have received new evidence that the ninth planet, the size of Neptune, was once in the planet-forming region of our solar system, but eventually came out in an elliptical orbit. In order for this planet to completely rotate around the Sun, it takes 15,000 years. This planet simply "escaped".

22. The Russian cosmonaut has removed a strange UFO.

In March 1991, Russian cosmonaut Musa Manarov photographed a strange object from his space station Mir. The object was visible at close range and glowed with white light. Although everyone claims that it was space debris, Manarov insists he saw a UFO.

23. NASA hides the UFO.

January 15, 2015, when NASA conducted a live broadcast from the International Space Station, at a distance just above the Earth appeared a strange UFO. When it appeared, NASA quickly cut the frame. What kind of object it was and why NASA is trying to hide it is still unclear.

24. Spending a lot of time in space, astronauts lose bone mass.

Bones are an active living tissue and are restored only through physical activity, such as walking or running. In zero gravity, the bones begin to weaken.

25. Live bacteria found outside the International Space Station.

It is believed that living organisms can not survive in the cold vacuum of the cosmos. But recently astronauts discovered living bacteria outside the International Space Station, which were not present during the launch of the module. For many, this has been evidence of extraterrestrial life in space, but many believe that this is a simple and logical explanation. Bacteria could be transferred to the upper atmosphere of the Earth by ascending air currents, where they clung to the spacecraft.

Our planet is unique and multifaceted, interesting and unusual, at times, even very dangerous. But whatever it is, it is ours. This is our common home, which needs to be protected not only on Earth, but also in outer space.