Eyelash extension on Japanese technology

Professional eyelash extensions for Japanese technology, or Japanese build-up, is one of the most popular modern technologies that guard women's beauty. This technique is a good choice for those who dream of dense and long eyelashes and do not want to spend precious time on daily make-up and eye make-up.

Technique of Japanese eyelash extension

Eyelash extension using Japanese technology provides for piece gluing of artificial cilia made of mink fur or sable. This process is painless and takes a maximum of two hours. The length of the eyelash extensions can be 7-15 cm. As a result of the spasmodic build-up, a natural effect is achieved, and even the process of changing natural eyelashes can not "expose" the build-up. On average, the result is saved for 3 - 4 weeks, after which a correction is required.

It is possible to perform a partial build-up, when only the corners of the eyelashes are involved in the process - at the outer corners of the eyes. This method achieves the effect of "cat" or "fox" eyes.

All materials and products for eyelash extensions are hypoallergenic and non-toxic, so during pregnancy women can use this procedure.

Eyelash care after building

To extend the beauty of eyelashes and the term of their "service" for the maximum period, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Do not use greasy cream for the skin around the eyes and cosmetics on an oily basis (the fat dissolves the glue that secures the cilia).
  2. You can not rub your eyes and sleep on your stomach.
  3. Limit the time spent in the sauna, bath.
  4. Eyelashes should be combed daily.

How to grow eyelashes after building?

After multiple build-up, many are faced with the problem of weakened eyelashes that need to be restored. Quickly to strengthen and grow eyelashes it is possible, following such recommendations:

  1. Daily, half an hour before bedtime, apply castor oil to cleansed eyelashes, using a cotton disc or an old brush from the carcass.
  2. 1 - 2 times a week to make an eyelash mask, prepared according to this recipe: mix in equal quantities fresh aloe juice, castor and burdock oil, add a couple drops of vitamin E. Apply on eyelashes, remove after two hours with a dry napkin.
  3. Every evening, massage the skin around the eyes: moving in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose (lower eyelid) and from the corner of the eye to the temple (upper eyelid) make light tapping with the pads of ring fingers.

With such care, eyelashes will be restored completely in 1.5 - 2 months.