Kitchen of Montenegro

The national cuisine of Montenegro is a mix of the culinary traditions of many countries. Great influence on its formation was the proximity of such peoples as the Slavs, Hungarians, Germans, Turks, so the cuisine in the country is divided into coastal and related to the central areas.

Popular Meat Dishes

Food in Montenegro is famous for its diversity. National dishes, as a rule, are simple in preparation, but on taste it does not affect at all. Great popularity in Montenegro is enjoyed by meat dishes, as well as dishes using vegetables, cheese and lots of spices. The following meat dishes are considered to be the visiting card of the country:

  1. Negushsky prosht is a smoked ham. The name of the delicacy came from the village of Negushi , where it is best prepared. The product can be eaten directly or added to a salad. Very often tourists buy prsut as a gift from Montenegro.
  2. Chevapi - chopped meat with onion and spices in the form of sausages fried on the grill. Usually a couple of sausages are served with French fries and vegetables.
  3. Lamb from under the sachet is one of the most frequently ordered dishes in the restaurants of the national cuisine of Montenegro. The way of cooking is very unusual: meat and vegetables are placed in a cast-iron bowler, on which burning coals are laid. Meat does not lose its useful properties, it becomes tender and soft.

Meat is the basis of local food of Montenegro. And this is not accidental: the country has a good level of agriculture. GMOs and other chemicals are not used here, so all products are clean, healthy and natural.

Use of milk in cooking

Since we are talking about agricultural products, it is worth mentioning the dishes of dairy and sour-milk products. Variety in this segment is amazing. Montenegrins themselves are very fond of and often prepare the following dishes:

Fish and vegetable dishes

Vegetables are an indispensable ingredient of local food in Montenegro. They are served independently, in the form of salads or in the composition of meat and fish dishes. Be sure to try local stuffed cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers or moussaka - stewed with meat eggplants and tomatoes.

In the coastal areas, fish and seafood are most popular. It is worth trying the ear, stuffed with prunes trout, goulash or baked carp.

Drinks and desserts of Montenegro

In Montenegro, a large selection of desserts from flour, the most popular are:

The most popular non-alcoholic drink in Montenegro is coffee. But tea here is not so common: it is believed that Montenegrins drink it only during illness. In restaurants, you can be offered lemonade to dishes, but be prepared that here it is very sour.

Speaking about alcoholic beverages in Montenegro, the championship belongs to the wine "Vranac", which has dozens of varieties. If you need a degree in a stronger drink, then you can try a local moonshine lozovach or rakia. Popular brands of local beer are "Nick" and "Nikshichko."

Interesting Facts

Knowing the following features, you easily compose an idea about the national dishes of Montenegro and about the inhabitants of this country as a whole:

  1. In the villages you can buy drinks that are not in the store and in the markets. For example, liqueurs from fir branches, quinces, apples and other fruits and berries.
  2. All the ingredients in the salads are cut very large.
  3. Montenegrins do not quite understand the tradition of drinking tea with sweets.