Yucca - care and cultivation, useful advice

Yucca, care of which is not at all complicated, can become a decoration of the garden and the house. There are different grades, differing in appearance, and many do not resemble each other. There are several rules that are important to observe for proper care.

Dracaena yucca - description

This plant belongs to the family Agavovy, but sometimes it is ranked as Dratsenov. The main characteristics include the following information:

  1. It grows in tropical and subtropical areas.
  2. The trunk is like a palm tree, because there are brown scales.
  3. The height of the room yucca reaches about 2 m, and in nature it can reach up to 12 m.
  4. The length of the leaves enters the limit of 25-100 cm, and the width is not more than 8 cm. They are tough to the touch and in some varieties fibrous threads are present.
  5. If the yucca treatment is carried out correctly, then it blooms extensively and there may be more than 100 buds. The flowers are painted in gentle shades. In form they resemble a disheveled bell.
  6. When flowering ends, then the fruit ripens, in which the shape of the capsule, or thick berries.

Types of yucca

The family includes more than 40 species, but in our territories it is possible to grow only 10 of them. There is a division, which depends on the presence or absence of the stem. The most popular types of yucca are:

  1. Ivory. People call it elephant because the trunk looks like a leg of this animal. Yucca elephant on top has numerous shoots with leaves that are very dense.
  2. Short-leaved. This species is also called treelike or giant. In nature, it grows in the south-east of California and in Arizona. Yucca short-leaved - a tree that reaches a length of 4-9 m. The leaves are short, firm and densely located.
  3. Filamentosa. In this species, the trunk is very small, so it is still considered to be unstable. Yucca filamentosa is adapted for growing in our areas, as it tolerates frosts. The leaves are gray-green in color and have a very sharp tip, and at the edges a large number of filamentary fibers.
  4. Shiza. A popular species of shrub that has a small stem. The leaves have thin and curled threads. Tsvetonos has racemose inflorescences with flowers bells. Yucca sizaya grows in the western part of America.
  5. Aloeleous. The species is represented either by a spherical bush or a small tree, whose height reaches 8 m. Adult plants have many branches, at the ends of which there are dense rosettes of fibrous leaves. Yucca aloe-leaf has a spiny thorn on the edge of its leaves.

How to care for yucca?

There are several features that are worth considering for good growth and a healthy state.

  1. Lighting. For a yucca flower, home care means organizing the necessary sanctification. It is best to put the pot on the east or west window. You can use fluorescent lamps that are placed above the yucca for 30-60 cm. The plant should receive light for 16 hours.
  2. Temperature. For proper care in the warm season, the temperature should be 20-25 degrees. In winter, the value should not be above 12 degrees.
  3. Top dressing. Yucca, whose care includes several important procedures, for a good growth should receive diluted mineral fertilizers every 2-3 weeks. You can use infusion of leaf humus or horse manure.

Ground for yucca

For this plant is best suited for loose and nutritious soil, which has a pH of 5.5-6.5. The soil can be bought in a garden store or made independently. It is recommended to add 3-4 pieces of charcoal to the selected land, and at the bottom should be a layer of 5-7 cm of drainage , for example, river stones or broken bricks. The suitable land for yucca can be this:

  1. On two parts of turf and leaf earth, gravel 3-4 mm in diameter (zeolite or coarse-grained sand), and add a part of the humus.
  2. Two parts of the universal soil mixture from the store and one part of the rotted compost, gravel and coconut substrate.

Pot of yucca

To grow a beautiful plant, it is better to choose a pot of clay or pottery with large holes for water drainage. These materials are good because the earth in them will dry up evenly. If a pot of plastic is chosen for a domestic yucca, then it will need to be watered less often. As for the diameter, it should be a couple of centimeters more than the transport one, so that the roots do not touch the walls.

How to water yucca?

To understand how often and strongly it is necessary to water a flower, it is necessary to take into account the humidity and temperature of the air, the pot material and its dimensions, and also the soil features and the height of the yucca itself. In summer, you need to water abundantly after the top layer (about 5 cm) has dried. A flower of yucca, which is important to care for according to the rules, I water less often in the cold, so that the roots do not rot.

Another important procedure is spraying. Use water better than room temperature, which was previously boiled. During spraying, the pot should be removed from direct sunlight, otherwise a burn may occur. The yucca will react well, care of which does not require special efforts if you place a tray with moistened gravel under the pot.

How to cut yucca?

To restore the plant, which has grown too much and to stimulate the appearance of new branches, it is necessary to perform circumcision.

  1. It is better to start the process, before the period of active growth, this is February-March.
  2. Trimming yucca can only be carried out if the trunk reaches a minimum diameter of 5 cm.
  3. The day before the procedure, it is necessary to water abundantly the plant with standing water.
  4. The cut location should be 9-12 cm below the extreme leaves. The remaining trunk should be 20-25 cm high.
  5. For proper care, sprinkle with the cut coal. Put the pot in a warm place, but not too lit. A week it can not be watered and sprinkled. After 2-3 weeks, the first kidneys should appear. Of all you need to leave only 2-3 pcs.

How to transplant yucca?

Garden species in the open ground can grow in one place for about 20 years, but indoor cultivars must be transplanted every two years. There are a number of rules that you should know and take into account:

  1. The yucca transplant should be transplanted in spring or summer.
  2. Choose a flower pot, which should be three centimeters greater than the diameter of the root coma.
  3. It is necessary to carefully get the plant, trying not to damage the root system. If necessary, pour the land well enough to soften it.
  4. Before planting, the roots should be soaked in water for an hour, and after putting in a new soil, yucca must be poured.
  5. For two weeks it is important to carry out feeding . The pot should be placed away from the draft.

How to propagate yucca?

There are several ways of reproduction , allowing to plant a flower and carry out its care:

  1. Seeds. A mixture of equal parts of sand, sheet and turf ground is prepared. Seeds need to be planted immediately after harvesting and cover with glass. Regularly moisten the ground and ventilate, not forgetting to wipe the glass from the formed moisture. Sprouts will appear in about 30 days. When the seedlings are strong, dive them into pots 6 cm high.
  2. Trunk. Reproduction of yucca is carried out with the help of barrel segments, the length of which should be more than 20 cm. The procedure should be carried out in the summer. The branches need to be lowered into a moist substrate of sand and peat. The container should be kept in the open air in the shade. For proper care, cover the cuttings with film and keep at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. Roots will form in 1-2 months. Place the slices on the parent plant with garden gauze.
  3. The stalk. For this variant of reproduction, it is necessary to cut the upper stem and hold it for a couple of hours in the air. After it put in boiled water or in wet sand. When the roots are formed, a transplant is performed.

How to arrange yucca?

With regular feeding, growth is significantly increased. Formed young rosettes can be seated, but this can not be done immediately, because they must grow and grow stronger. They can be left to spend the winter. Reproduction of yucca palms is not an easy task and one should act as follows:

  1. Unplug the child's outlet carefully and separate the young outlet with a part of the mother's root. The cut must be dried and treated with ashes.
  2. If there are no roots and they are weak, then sprinkle them with a flower stimulator, plant the procession and close it with a plastic bottle.
  3. The old plant can be divided into separate stem cauliflower and planted.