Adhesion of the pelvis - symptoms

Under a commissural disease is understood such a violation, in which the formation of adhesions directly in the abdominal cavity, as well as in organs located in the small pelvis. The spike itself is nothing but a connective tissue cord.

Because of what spikes are formed?

The causes of the formation of adhesions in the small pelvis are few. Most often, the emergence of this education lead:

What are the signs of the presence of adhesions?

The severity of the symptoms of the presence of adhesions in the small pelvis, first of all, depends on the prevalence of these formations. In this case, various options are possible: from the course of the disease without signs, to a pronounced clinical picture.

Symptoms of adhesions in the small pelvis also depend on the clinical form of the disease. So, it is customary to allocate:

  1. The acute form. With this kind of disease, women have fairly pronounced complaints: a growing pain symptom, the appearance of nausea, an increase in body temperature, an increase in heart rate. When examined, in particular, palpation of the abdomen, there is a sharp soreness. This form is often accompanied by the development of intestinal obstruction. At the same time, the condition worsens sharply: blood pressure decreases, drowsiness, weakness develops. Violated water-salt metabolism.
  2. Intermittent form. With this type of disorder, pain occurs periodically, but does not have a clear periodicity. Women complain of a digestive disorder: diarrhea, constipation.
  3. Chronic form. In this case, the signs of the presence of adhesions in the small pelvis are hidden. In this case, pain occurs periodically. It is this form that is more common. Sometimes, a woman recognizes the presence of adhesions only during the diagnosis of the cause of infertility. Quite often it is spikes that prevent the occurrence of pregnancy.

How is the diagnosis of the disease carried out?

The process of diagnosis of adhesions in the small pelvis is quite complicated. It includes both laboratory studies and instrumental ones. So when performing a gynecological examination, the doctor draws attention to the fact that the pelvic organs are practically immobile. With a pronounced process, the examination causes soreness in the woman.

If a patient is suspected of having adhesions in a small pelvis, the woman is prescribed:

  1. PCR-diagnostics (to exclude urogenital infections);
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  3. MRI (performed to clarify the results of ultrasound).

The most reliable method of examination is the diagnostic laparoscopy, which consists in carrying out a mini-operation. In this case, the examination of the pelvic organs is carried out with the help of special video equipment, which allows to accurately determine the location and localization of adhesions in relation to the organs.

Before carrying out this manipulation, a special preparation of a woman is needed, which is very similar to what is performed before any surgical intervention.

Thus, after determining the exact location of the adhesions in the small pelvis, an operation is performed that consists in excision of connective tissue strands formed between adjacent organs.