Ointment from sprains and muscles

A rare person can avoid various injuries of the musculoskeletal system, especially often there are stretching. Such a form of damage does not pose a serious danger, however it causes severe pain, inflammation, provokes puffiness and interferes with normal motor activity. Ointment from sprains and muscles helps to cope with the listed symptoms and provides the conditions for the gradual recovery of injured tissues.

What anesthetizing ointments are suitable for stretching muscles?

Local anesthesia can not only reduce the severity of the pain syndrome. The composition of the drugs in question additionally includes ingredients that strengthen blood vessels that eliminate swelling, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances.

Choosing an ointment with an analgesic from stretching ligaments and muscles of the ankle or shoulder, other parts of the body, it is important to strictly follow the dosage and the frequency of application, since such remedies often provoke unpleasant side effects.

We bring to your attention a list of anesthetics for local medicines:

The listed medicines are recommended to use up to 3 times a day, not more than 10 days.

Healing ointments and gels from sprains and muscles

Another way to reduce the negative signs of the injury is local irritation of damaged areas. Thanks to the intensification of blood circulation and the warming effect, metabolic processes in tissues are accelerated, their nutrition improves, and excess fluid is eliminated.

Locally irritating ointments when stretching the muscles of the leg or arm also provide anesthesia:

Warm-up local medications have fewer side effects than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but they can provoke skin irritation and even chemical burns. Therefore, when using such medications it is important to follow the recommendations from the instructions.

Other ointments for the treatment of muscle and ligament dilations

In addition to relief of pain, swelling and inflammation, it is necessary to take care of the condition of blood vessels, to support their recovery, to accelerate resorption with hematomas. For this, ointments of a separate drug group are used:

A good effect is provided by preparations based on natural components:

Before using ointments with natural extracts and essential oils, a skin sensitivity test should be conducted to the active ingredients. Note that plant components often cause allergic reactions in the form of small rash, redness, urticaria, spots, scaling.