Sterilizer for manicure tools

A modern woman does not think her life without a manicure , without which you go out into the light like you have not cleaned your teeth. Most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity prefer to go through this procedure for nail care in the cabin. There are also those who personally take care of their hands. But in any case, any woman who is just starting to work as a master of manicure in the salon or at home, knows how important it is to keep all working tools safe for customers. After all, it is known that manicure instruments come into direct contact with the skin and nails, and therefore the transmission of fungus and various skin diseases from the client to the client can not be avoided. However, this problem is easily solved by the sterilizer for manicure instruments.

Types of sterilizers for manicure tools

The modern market offers several options for sterilizers - appliances that are used for:

In a specialized store you can buy various sterilizers: dry, ultrasonic, ball or ultraviolet. They differ in the principle of work, the speed of processing and, of course, the cost.

Dry or thermal sterilizers are most often found in beauty salons. In the device, metal instruments are processed at a high temperature (about 200-260 degrees). The duration of the procedure usually lasts from half an hour to two hours, depending on the temperature chosen. There is a variety of such a device - a steam sterilizer for manicure tools, in which products are exposed to a dry and hot steam jet.

In fact, ultrasonic sterilizers devices produce only a purifying function, not disinfecting instruments. Contamination even in hard-to-reach places is removed due to vibration in the liquid device. However, treatment in an ultrasonic sterilizer for manicure instruments should be carried out only after disinfection.

As for the glasperlene or ball sterilizer for manicure instruments, the principle of its operation is to heat the quartz balls to a high temperature (about 250 degrees) in the vessel. A tool is placed in the cavity with the balls, where it is completely disinfected and sterilized within 15-20 seconds. With the effectiveness of the device a minus is the need to change the filler every six months.

Ultraviolet or UV sterilizer for manicure instruments copes well with fungi and bacteria, but does not eliminate the causative agents of hepatitis and HIV infection. The device contains an ultraviolet lamp, the light of which produces the so-called "cold sterilization" of each side of the instrument for 15-20 minutes.

Sterilizer for manicure tools - how to use?

Of course, detailed instructions for use are attached to any sterilizer. However, the rules of use for all species devices, basically, are similar. So:

  1. Used manicure instruments should be washed with running water, cleaning them with a brush. Products must be dried.
  2. The device must be connected to the network. The ball sterilizer is quenched with quartz balls, which are then preheated to the desired temperature.
  3. Then, tools are placed in the device and processing is started. In a ball sterilizer they are processed up to 20 seconds, in the ultraviolet - up to 20 minutes, in a thermal sterilizer - up to 120 minutes, in ultrasonic - 5 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, the appliance is switched off and the wire is taken out of the mains.