Allergic rhinitis - symptoms

An allergic rhinitis is a disease in which inflammation of the nasal mucosa is observed in response to the action of various irritant substances. Common allergens in this case are: plant pollen, pet hair, feather, dust mites, mold, household chemicals. In the absence of treatment, a runny nose of an allergic etiology can lead to the development of more serious complications:

Therefore, if you notice symptoms of an allergic rhinitis in adults, you should consult your doctor.

Signs of an allergic rhinitis in adults

An allergic rhinitis, which can be both seasonal and year-round, is expressed by the following main manifestations:

Patients often experience weakness, headache, irritability. Decreased concentration of attention. Also, with an allergic rhinitis, cough and symptoms such as:

The prolonged course of seasonal disease can lead to the fact that the nasal mucosa remains inflamed and swollen even during interictal periods, due to which the patients constantly have an increased content of mucus in the nasal cavity. Often, infectious agents are also involved in the inflammatory process, as a result of which discharge from the nose can become purulent in the allergic rhinitis.