Candles Viferon in pregnancy with colds

Because of the prohibition of a large range of drugs during gestation, women often think about how to use candles Viferon for a cold that has arisen during the current pregnancy. Consider the drug in detail and give a detailed answer.

What is Viferon?

This drug can actively fight with pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Components negatively affect the envelopes of viruses, causing their death, slowing growth, preventing further reproduction and spread throughout the body.

Is Viferon permitted for colds during pregnancy?

Due to the fact that the compounds are practically not absorbed into the systemic blood stream, having a local effect, the drug is often prescribed during pregnancy.

What are the special features of using Viferon suppositories in case of a cold during pregnancy?

Recall that the appointment of drugs in the gestation period is exclusively the doctor. Only he knows all the peculiarities of the course of a particular pregnancy, chronic diseases of the mother. In this case, the probability of complications is minimized.

With a cold, frolic during pregnancy in the 2-3 trimester, Viferon is prescribed taking into account the severity of the symptoms. Most often, doctors adhere to the following scheme: 1-2 suppositories per day, for 7-10 days. Enter the candles directly into the rectum. To do this, the woman needs to take a horizontal position, turn on her side, bend her knees and press to the front abdominal wall. Take the morning and evening, if appointed once - then at night.

It should be noted that the drug can also be used for the prevention. Thus, once a month a woman should use 1 suppository for 5 days.

What are the side effects of using the medication?

As a rule, these are rare. Within 3 days after complete withdrawal of the drug, they disappear on their own. In exceptional cases, women may notice itching, allergic rashes.

It must be said that the drug is compatible with all drugs from the group of antibacterial, antiviral agents. That is why, it is often prescribed as part of complex therapy of the disease.